timewarp thread (put blast from the past crap here)

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For shame. :D

I'm pretty sure if I watched that show now, I'd have to run 'round back and shove rotten apples and dirt down my throat til I asphyxiate.
i went to a 80's party about a month ago now that was cool (kinda like watching a rerun of save buy the bel) the original one. ill have to see if any one has photos
i have no idea what you guys are talking about...

Dinosaurs... that one show with the ridiculously obnoxious, fat lump of a baby dinosaur...you know, "I'm the baby, gotta love me", that's the only thing I really remember...

threads on hondaswap move pretty fast. you don't stop and look around everday, you might just miss thread of the year.

Who remembers this? The most powerful of the portables... nearly on par with the SNES in 1989!

(Yes, just added one to the collection :D )

I never owned one, but I swiped the neighbor's for about 6 months. That thing was a total battery hog!
kriss kross will make yah.... Jump Jump Jump
where are they now? arent they shouldnt they be around 30years old now?
kriss kross will make yah.... Jump Jump Jump
where are they now? arent they shouldnt they be around 30years old now?

Wikipedia says they got back together in 2007 and right now they're both recording solo albums. That's Wikipedia though, so who knows? :shrug2:
then, ummm...... i got nothing...... i mean, really...