Wall street protests

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So this somehow increases his credibility?
I love how out of my entire post, that is what you heard. I was pointing out that the federal investigators are the only reason he didn't get caught in the 90s. What they "believe" and a metro card will get me a ride on the subway.

I'm still trying to come to terms with the whole OWS movement myself, but I think the part they're complaining about in regard to what the guy in the picture wrote is that they as a group grew up thinking they had to go into debt forever in order to get an education, and that now they're on the level with the guy who wrote that paper and see that they could have done it differently. I think their complaint is that society pushed them in the wrong direction from a young impressionable age, before they had a choice in the matter, and now they're pissed off at where they're at.

If it was just a few, it would kind of be just people blaming others for their own problems, but when you have a sizable part of the population angry about the same thing, all kinds of stuff happens.

Whatever. I have a Master's degree and about $65k of debt. I don't give a fuck. I consolidated all that shit and, playing by the same rules. I pay less than $100 a month. If I pay faithfully for 20 years, it is forgiven. Income Contingent Repayment Plan. Obviously as I earn more the amount I pay increases but that's the point. THe tools are there. You just have to be smart enough to use them.
haha decent grades in HS that scored her 90% tuition?? unless she got hooked up or gave free bjs, i find that hard to believe. Or she lives in the middle of no where and goes to a school that is in the middle of no where.

I had a 3.9 GPA in HS and barely made top 10% in my school. It's one of the 3 public HS in my area that is about 200 mile of Sacramento and its pretty damn rural. Even with those grades and other extra curricular activities, I barely got enough scholarships to pay for 80% of tuition.

Anyway, im not saying its impossible, but its difficult to find full-rides anymore or anything that will cover 90% tuition due to the incredibly competitive nature and it seems like less available scholarships.

I guess not putting communications as my major and not drinking with the bros, somewhat paid off for me. at least im not with OWS and absentmindedly yelling out vowels.
I'm still trying to come to terms with the whole OWS movement myself, but I think the part they're complaining about in regard to what the guy in the picture wrote is that they as a group grew up thinking they had to go into debt forever in order to get an education, and that now they're on the level with the guy who wrote that paper and see that they could have done it differently. I think their complaint is that society pushed them in the wrong direction from a young impressionable age, before they had a choice in the matter, and now they're pissed off at where they're at.

If it was just a few, it would kind of be just people blaming others for their own problems, but when you have a sizable part of the population angry about the same thing, all kinds of stuff happens.


i think its more of the education system being a complete mess.

the 3 years of college i did at UC Davis, tuition jumped somewhere from $5,000/yr to $9,000. a whole slew of problems contributed to this ridiculous raise from scandals to alumni's wanting a better athletic program.

and to think, the whole idea of publicly funded colleges were to provide a cheap alternative to private institutions using tax payer money.. hhhrrrrmmmmmm..
Do you guys know how much it is to go to a private school? Usually around 30k a year. State schools are still a hell of a lot cheaper and people (UC Berkeley in particular) don't realize how good they still have it.

I went to college, got a BS degree (Sac State) with student loans. Then got a good job and paid off those loans. The only debt I have now is my mortgage which I'm not upside down on and have a great rate on. If people were smart and had some fucking initiative they could get themselves out of their self created mess.
Do you guys know how much it is to go to a private school? Usually around 30k a year. State schools are still a hell of a lot cheaper and people (UC Berkeley in particular) don't realize how good they still have it.

I went to college, got a BS degree (Sac State) with student loans. Then got a good job and paid off those loans. The only debt I have now is my mortgage which I'm not upside down on and have a great rate on. If people were smart and had some fucking initiative they could get themselves out of their self created mess.

edit: WTF, i thought UC fees were universal, but man, those Berzerkeley kids are friggin lucky.

UC Davis News & Information :: UC Davis Facts: Annual Fees and Tuition for Full-Time Attendance, 1997-2009
Office of the University Registrar - Tuition and Fees, 2011-12 | Student Affairs
however, state is considerably cheaper:
Fees - Student Registration & Advising Guide

but yeah, people need to be smarter with their money, fo' reelz. i remember i was eating cup o' ramen for lunch and i saw people going out to expensive $9 burger joints. now i dont have to wonder how those people afforded that lifestyle.
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I unfortunately have school debt which is mostly my wife's (mba). If she hadn't of lost her job when she was an engineer and we didn't have to use every penny of our savings to hold on to our house we would be close to debt free. We instead chose which may have been stupid to use all of our savings the year she was out of work to keep paying our house. In that same time most people just said screw it and left their homes even if they could pay it like a friend of mine did. We felt like we made the decision to own a home and we would go down with it.

Well things have worked out for us which I attribute to doing the right thing.

Im not in the 1 percent but I do well enough to own a home and live comfortably enough to waste money on a track car.
So you're supposed to get a job in high school to save money to go to a higher school where you'll still have to have a job and probably wind up in debt anyway. Then when you get out, you have to go deeper into debt if you want to own a home, then spend whatever youth hasn't been sucked out of you slaving to pay it off. And the punchline is "because that's the way it's supposed to be"?

Fuck you, the way it's supposed to be is robots perform all the mundane tasks leaving me to a life of recreation and pleasure. As long as we're making cardboard signs to tell other people how it's "supposed to be" we might as well have enough imagination to make something up that doesn't sound like complete fucking drudgery.
What surprises me is the lack of people willing to do jobs that pay well and do not require debt incursion.

Plumbers, Electricians, mechanics, etc.

These jobs also are somewhat recession proof, as opposed to other service/info related jobs (like real estate agents, stock brokers and merchandisers).
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What surprises me is the lack of people willing to do jobs that pay well and do not require debt incursion.

Plumbers, Electricians, mechanics, etc.

These jobs also are somewhat recession proof, as opposed to other service/info related jobs (like real estate agents, stock brokers and merchandisers).

I had this exact discussion with some friends recently. It is becoming a serious problem. There was a time when Americans were proud to be skilled laborers and perform manual tasks. Try to find a close tolerance machinist now...impossible. You'll find some hipster twat who took a few programming classes making your zero tolerance parts.

We're also dealing with years of lies sown by the educational institutions as part of their sales pitch. "Stuck in your current job? Come on back to school and learn data entry, or medical billing, or dental assisting, and you can reach the stars too..." What a fucking joke.

You are exactly right. Some people are incapable of performing advanced calculations and grasping advanced concepts or planning/designing/managing anything more complicated than their own grocery list.

But now everyone thinks they have a shot at the title and by God they are going for it. Why do you think all our manufacturing has been shipped elsewhere. Is it only because it is cheaper, or is it due largely in part to the unwillingness of our workforce and the willingness of those elsewhere?
What surprises me is the lack of people willing to do jobs that pay well and do not require debt incursion.

Plumbers, Electricians, mechanics, etc.

These jobs also are somewhat recession proof, as opposed to other service/info related jobs (like real estate agents, stock brokers and merchandisers).

Atleast in CT you need to go to school for all 3 of those trades. Plumbers and electricians need atleast 4 years of school and on the job experience. Not a lot of companies are picking up the tab on your schooling. I would say that these jobs are somewhat recession proof, but a lot of these guys have been laid off. No new construction and little movement in the housing sector have taken some of these guys jobs.
americans dont want to make a living, they want to be rich.
nothing less is acceptable, and there is no pride in anything unless you are rich doing it.
nobody wants to be an average american. thats for chumps, and we aint no chumps.
its all a sham. just like oil. they know people need oil so they make the price high enough. just like school. the price is set at the highest possible dollar.
its all a sham. just like oil. they know people need oil so they make the price high enough. just like school. the price is set at the highest possible dollar.

Also you have to take into account supply and demand. Since the politicians have convinced young Americans that they have the right to a college education, virtually everyone who wants to go to school can just get a loan and go.

A college campus is only so big and cannot hold everyone who applies. Therefore the price of going to school must increase.
Just like everybody deserves to be a home owner, so lets make it really easy for anyone to get a home loan with ZERO collateral. That worked out well... The bottom line is that the standard of living in this country has been artificially propped up by the unsustainable policy, which is, everybody deserves a cheap loan. It doesn't help that this was all made possible by the creation of money by the Fed.
Just like everybody deserves to be a home owner, so lets make it really easy for anyone to get a home loan with ZERO collateral. That worked out well... The bottom line is that the standard of living in this country has been artificially propped up by the unsustainable policy, which is, everybody deserves a cheap loan. It doesn't help that this was all made possible by the creation of money by the Fed.

Policy and regulation make everything more expensive. The same is brutally evident in healthcare:

- Medicare and Medicade cover poor people, and therefore prop UP the cost of healthcare for the rest of us. If the poor didnt have medicare and medicade, healthcare costs would drop. Physicians CANT charge fees their customers CANT afford.... and no, doctors WOULD NOT be able to stay in business ONLY caring for those evil 1%'ers as there simply arent enough of them.
Physicians CANT charge fees their customers CANT afford
If I'm interpreting this correctly, then you are wrong. Physicians HAVE to charge fees their patients can't afford due to the ever decreasing rate of insurance payouts. If a doctor needs to gross $200 off a given procedure, and Medicare/Medicaid only pay 65%, he needs to charge about $308 for that procedure. That's a very simplified example.

If procedures could have a cash price vs. an insurance price, it would offer more purchasing power to the uninsured and relatively healthy. Most people use far less medical care in a given year than the premium they pay. Therefore, if they could afford to pay cash for check-ups and basic procedures, they could forgo insurance. Some would disagree that the risk you accept (car accident, etc.) is not worth going without insurance but the data indicates otherwise. This is just one of the basics of the insurance equation.
Insurance is a scam and should be made illegal. If all the money that insurance companies leach out of the system were paid directly for the services, doctors could make more money and healthcare would be cheaper.
Absolutely. The idea of health insurance has become such a fucking joke.

Do you use your car insurance for oil changes? Tires? Brakes? Wiper blades? No.

Then why the fuck should health insurance be used to cover check-ups, and band-aids, and cough syrup, and penicillin?