Weight Loss Bet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Vila
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i've put on some weight recently. no more sex.. lol
Start fucking the beach ball again.

***Sex usually negatively effects my body. Staying up late eventually takes its toll on my body, leaving myself exhausted, stressed, and unable to give it 100% in workouts.

Consider yourself lucky.
Hows everyone doing on attaining their goals?

Bob are you down weight?

J? Still trimming down? Look into UDT2.0 if you haven't already. When I was talking to you the other week, that was the name of the diet, thats popular to lean out on, that I forgot.

I'm up 8lbs over the last three weeks, despite hurting my back deadlifting and squatting. I hope to put on another 7 solid pounds over the next few weeks.

I hit a big snag. I've been working out with a cold for about 2-3 weeks leaving me real fatigued but I hit it 2x a day for 3 days a week including cardio, and 3 lifts outside those. Sunday I went for a long run, probably 5-6 miles or so. And monday I was sick in bed, up until today.

I lost a solid 6 lbs in the last 8 days, and I think it came straight out of my chest and arms :(. I've had a fever the majority of the last 2 weeks, but it passes so I worked out, killing myself. Stupid thing for me to do. So now I'm real weak feeling, and I still can't lift because I'm still sick.

But hey this will help me get cut right? I definitely am feeling baggy in my size 32 pants, just need to lose my dunlop. Abs are coming back a bit.
you can do i lost 120- 130 in 3- 4 months my pics have been around here i made a thread about it..gotda get ur mind right and want it bad
hey man best of luck. i was 220 2 years ago now im 145. so the only things i can recommend are. Diet right? obviously. u know what is bad and what isnt. get you greens, synthetic proteins and natural protiens.Exercise right? it sucks but how great do u feel when u get off the tread mill or home from a jog. its worth the effort. enjoy your results!@!!!

you can do i lost 120- 130 in 3- 4 months my pics have been around here i made a thread about it..gotda get ur mind right and want it bad
unless you had lipo, i call bullshit. there is no possible way that you lost 40lbs/month.
he posted the pics... i've seen 'em
i guess i can be proven wrong. but to lose 1 lb, you must burn 3500 more calories than you consume. but to lose 120lbs in 3 months is impossible. 100 in 6 months is more possible.
have you never seen celebrity fit club, the guys on that show were doing 10+ pounds a week consistently

so where's the OP?
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i guess i can be proven wrong. but to lose 1 lb, you must burn 3500 more calories than you consume. but to lose 120lbs in 3 months is impossible. 100 in 6 months is more possible.

This is true 1lb of fat = 3500calories, but many people forget about bmr (basal metabolic rate). The amount of calories your body naturally burns at rest. If you're a large individual and you naturally burn 2500calories at rest, over a weeks period that is 17,500calories.

17,500 calories - 7000 calories (2lbs of fat) = 10,500 calories. Divide this by the 7 days of week and if you maintain a 1500 calorie diet daily, just by sitting around you'll burn two pounds of pure fat. This doesn't account for any loss of water weight, which should be significant when someone goes from an unhealthy diet to a healthy diet (processed foods are regularly loaded with tons of sodium), exercise, or the effects that nutrient timing having on body weight.

The human body is complex and I cannot even begin to understand all of the complexities of the body, but the information that is regurgitated by the media is dumbed down by scientists so the laymen can understand the basic process.

Throw exercise into that mix that I described earlier and if you burn 1000 calories a day, thats another 2lbs of pure fat. Restrict the diet further, while still keeping correct nutrient profiles (necessary levels of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals) and you can shave off another 1lb or 2lbs or pure fat.

That puts you up to 6lbs of pure fat a week or 24lbs over a month. Factor in the effect that increased muscle mass has on your BMR (pound for pound, muscle requires many more calories than fat to maintain). Nutrient timing is also a complex topic that effects metabolic rates and fat storage through insulin regulation (Canada uses the glycemic index in their nutrition labeling because blood gluclose and insulin levels are pivotal points to fat storage -> think of all the "insulin resistant" people in America that have Type 2 diabetes as a result of their diets).

Nick, if you're our weight, you're certainly not going to be able to shed pounds like a person thats 100lbs overweight but the difference between the way our bodies function and the way their bodies function is vast. Their muscles are in a continual state of atrophy because of lack of exercise. Hormone levels are in the tubes due to a lack of muscle mass, where as our bodies should be pumping near max levels at this point. All of these things combine to have drastically different effects on the weight loss of a fit person vs an unfit person.

FYI, doctors have retracted on the idea that its only healthy to lose 2lbs of pure fat per week. Doctors now say that this is only a guidelines for healthy individuals and not obese or morbidly obese individuals.

I hope some of this information was useful to someone out there in cyberspace and it wasn't just typed in vain.

I also hope that Bob is still on track with his diet and that Jordan is back on track with his goals. Good luck all.
i gained 10lbs since december.

what about you BOB VILA?
it's way easier to lose weight when you're a fat ass.

10lbs for fat people is like 1 lb for chubby people

Haven't heard from him in a while...

edit: Last post 1/02/08
If you want to lose weight, work at a Chinese buffet as a food prep. When I started, I weighed ~200 pounds. When I quit 5 months later, I only weighed 155-160 pounds. This is because they work you like a SLAVE, and it was hard to find time to eat lol I would get up in the morning and be at work by 10:00, work 12 hours usually with no break, and by 10-11 pm I was DEAD tired so I just crashed. Usually all I'd have time to eat was cheerios for breakfast if I woke up early enough, and on my day off (was lucky to get 1 per week) I'd eat the whole kitchen then after that order some pizza.

12-13 hour days were during summer so no school was in the way, that's when I lost most of that weight. Shit I was in the best shape of my life.

I've lost 10 pounds since I started workin at Popeyes like a month ago. It's because when I don't have a job I pig out after school's out but when I work I don't eat.
I'm on track to be cut by summer.

New supps. New lifts. Ian's diet. New job-manual labor digging ditches.

How's the main man doing I have to ask? This is his thread.
I would like to know how he is doing myself as well. After my trainer made me gain weight for bulk, I have had a hell of a time getting down. Plateaus are hard to overcome at times. Judging from the past few weeks, I may have overcome mine. Who knows. I wish you the best my friend. Update us soon on your progress.
Going down in weight is much easier than going up in healthy mass. Take solstice in knowing that the hardest portion has been overcome already. Losing weight is all about intelligently dieting, performing cardio until you've reached your target caloric intake and caloric expenditure, and lifting to maintain mass.

Use those resources that myself and Slammed posted earlier.

Wanna be Big.com - The Ultimate Weight Training and Bodybuilding Resource has an entire listing of healthy foods to eat in the forums. Men's Health put out an excellent lifting and nutrition guide this past year and Bodybuilding.com has a wide array of people to get help from in terms of dieting and training.

One step at a time and you'll be shedding the pounds before you know it.
keep up the hard work. I've been working out for 2 months and eating right. I've notice, I have more energy and feel alot better, but still not alot of weight dropped.