turning a new leaf

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Oh I thought u meant bsn syntha6 not no-synthesize.

Beta is cheaper by itself. Dirt cheap. I like the caffeine and no shotgun has the least across the board for nitric oxide pre-workouts. I never have heart palpitations like I did on 3 scoops of no-xplode.

No no, I'm not a fan of BSN at all, having tried them YEARS ago. Talk about big time bloating. What do you think of NO Synthesize? I took NO Shotgun today though and man did I miss that stuff. I just try not to take any caffeine nowadays, though I am re-thinking that and may allow myself to somewhat "cheat" with Shotgun. Have you ever tried Synthesize? I wonder if it is really worth "stacking" both Shotgun and Synthesize. It seems like a waste to me in a sense but then again you are replenishing what you post-workout too.

NO-Xplode tastes like ass too, not to mention the palpatations. Shotgun V.3 tastes GREAT! Oh my God, I remember when V.1 was out. That tasted like rancid ASS! The new one is great tasting in my book. Back to working out now. :D
That's the one. Fits my doors just right and works really well. Literally one second to set up in the doorway.


The metal's a bit thin, but it should be strong enough for just about anyone's weight who's considering pullups. Flexes a bit with my brother, but not my 125lb ass. :p

haha...that's the one. I'm at 219lb. right now and have yet to try it because I have to get that stupid extension bar now. Freakin' SUCKS ASS! I just hope it doesn't tear down the molding around the door. That would be an epic fail.

On a side note to everyone else, if you have resistance bands and are using the door anchors with them, do NOT just close the door on the anchor. I did two sets and when I went for my third it shot at me like a damn slingshot. Luckily I was on my bench and had it at a ninety-degree angle facing the door. Otherwise I'm sure I would have a nice welt on my chest or lost an eye or something from doing rows with them. I'm going to try hooking the door anchor to something next time. :doh:
hey B, look into those adjustable dumbbells
the kind you click to add or drop weight
great for someone starting out that will prob increase weight fairly quickly
They blow ass. Only work half the time.

Honestly, iron weights are the way to go.

Personally, I go to the gym. I don't own anything in home besides an exercise ball and my own belt that I take to the gym with me. I can't afford, and don't want to, own my own area. It's a bitch if you ever move, and they literally sit there and collect dust and need to be cleaned often. Why not let someone else do that for you?
i'm not doing p90x at the gym ... so, yeah, weights at the gym don't help me at all.

I'm not moving any time soon. I like my house :)

and if i do in the future, i'll CL it so i don't have to move it.
Ohhh p90x. Forgot about that. Definitely not a gym kind of thing. I wanna do it, but I haven't had time to committ 90 days in a row. Maybe when I finish school I will get on it.

Yeah, CL here is good for weights. Most my buddies found all theirs on cl and sell theirs when they move(just like you said).
those are STUPID money too man. Dicks wants $449 for the 5-50 adjustables. I got 3 bands and every video shows at least one person using bands instead of dumbells, so i will be able to do everything fine with those.

Amazon.com: Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells (2009 Model): Your Store

even amazon wants $439 for 'em.

It's a shame you don't live down here, B. I just found a set of the 55.2 SelectTech's for a friend for $75 off Craigslist. The guy must have needed crack money to sell them so cheap. I also found another set for $200.

Hell, I ended up paying $500 for the 1090's only because I don't want to keep on buying dumbbells all of the time and know I will use the hell out of them. Keep checking Craigslist man. I'm telling you, people WILL sell weights for next to nothing on there.
well, holy friggin crap.

i was barely able to do maybe 1/8th of the exercises/reps in this first vid... and then they went through and did it ALL OVER. I was like o_0 and fast forwarded to the cool down.

then i did the ab ripper... and managed about 1/16th of those.

fuck me. I got a LONG way to go before i can hang with these guys.

and my tower is useless. my ceilings are too low. i need to put a tv in the garage i think :( but i don't want to be clayton :D
well, holy friggin crap.

i was barely able to do maybe 1/8th of the exercises/reps in this first vid... and then they went through and did it ALL OVER. I was like o_0 and fast forwarded to the cool down.

then i did the ab ripper... and managed about 1/16th of those.

fuck me. I got a LONG way to go before i can hang with these guys.

and my tower is useless. my ceilings are too low. i need to put a tv in the garage i think :( but i don't want to be clayton :D

I watched the first video before and actually did some of the push-ups and the bent over dumbbell rows as well as quite a few more different exercises. That freakin' sucks ass that the tower isn't working out yet. I'm sure you'll get use out of it in your garage though. I can't wait until I actually have the chance to do pull-ups though. Nowadays I do them at the airport when the planes bellies are low enough. haha It's sad but it gets me by.

The workouts remind me of what my friend and I used to do when we would barely do weights and wooooo, that was good stuff. You'll be able to do them soon enough, just don't give up. Those workouts are really meant for people that have been working out for quite a while or so I have read. Did you do the fit test? I have talked with quite a few people and all that have not given up said that it's taken them a bit to get through the workouts but now they don't regret it. I can't wait to have something structured like that to do, even though I am sitting here at work, multi-tasking and trying to come up with my bicep, tricep, shoulder workout tomorrow. Woooo!

I may start incorporating the Ab Ripper into my workouts three days a week. It'll give me something different to do than my current ab routine which varies from time to time.
Well.. .I hit the gym last Friday, and i think i worked out a bit too hard lol... So for now I'm just going to work on my abs and run A LOT... I put some strain on my shoulders and elbows that they weren't used to so... haha.. I'm giving them a lil while to chill, and then I'll do less weight.

And B i gotta ask... can we make this a community exercise thread? Im asking cuz it seems like alot of us are getting back to working out more around the same time, so... it would be kinda convenient to come to this thread and discuss routines and other exercise techniques. So... whaddya say?
The way i'm looking at it is like a video game-- i can't expect to beat it the first time i play it :)

I don't mind if you guys want to discuss workouts, etc here...
you're just going to have to deal with me posting my fat ass on here once a week for progress pics :D

haha...hence why I considered making a thread which I haven't had the time to make yet. It would be one where everyone can post progress, workout routine and fat ass picks. :D
it's ok, i won't be a fat ass for much longer. today is friggin crazy. my biceps barely fit in my shit today. I'm so 'pumped' up... and to think, i didn't even do biceps yesterday. it's pretty crazy.
it's ok, i won't be a fat ass for much longer. today is friggin crazy. my biceps barely fit in my shit today. I'm so 'pumped' up... and to think, i didn't even do biceps yesterday. it's pretty crazy.

do some roids man, your penis is already small soyou got nothing to loose you know?
it's ok, i won't be a fat ass for much longer. today is friggin crazy. my biceps barely fit in my shit today. I'm so 'pumped' up... and to think, i didn't even do biceps yesterday. it's pretty crazy.

Isn't that an awesome feeling? You feel accomplished and you feel damn good too. Time for me to start working out. I'm doing biceps, triceps and shoulders...oh my!