Andrew's engine swap (pics)

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I really like that last picture. Grats on adding another to your collection. :thumbsup:
Nice man! White is the way to go ( ^.^)/

Edit: Oh yeah, If you were me. That Sedan Si would be parked and my EF would have a K20 (o_O)
Naa, don't you worry about that... If I was going to do a K-series car, it would be a EG or preferrably a EK. SO much easier.....
Just under 20k. But after Taxes and Titles....
I'm LOVING it though! Man this is such a nice car. The nicest I've ever owned.

BTW, Terrance and my friend with the Red FA5 (dunno if you guys remember it) rode in a ~450hp LS/V-T yesterday. We could not stop talking about it, so now me and Terrance are pumped more than ever to get our turbo setups done!

I'll be ordering a piping kit from eBay this week. I've "mapped" out what I need, and I think I can get 'er done fairly quick with the right stuff.... I'll have updates soon!
We could not stop talking about it, so now me and Terrance are pumped more than ever to get our turbo setups done!
Understatement MUCH!

That thing was freaking sick. I had no clue something like that was in my lil town. Sick sick sick. First through 3rd was useless. 4th was OMG.

New DD!




Nice car, just remove those back doors.

I don't understand what it is with America and the lack of 3-door hatchbacks.
Nice car, just remove those back doors. I don't understand what it is with America and the lack of 3-door hatchbacks.

Americans suck. Period. For whatever reason, they hate Hatch's. I don't understand why, because they are soooooo sexy.

But when it comes to this model Civic, the 4 door pwns all. Sooo sexy.:D


Also, remember my "the dealership screwed up my clutch" thread? I think it was a hatch that they gave me as a loaner.
I thought the Type Rs are were only available overseas?

They are. People seem to forget awpticks is from Germany. Those "type R" Hatches are only available in Europe and are worse than our EP3 Si. They both even share the same version of the K20.

Also I'm not sure what is meant by americans not liking hatches and what that has to do with our 4 door Si. I'm not sure... but isn't the Japanese type R a Sedan (that was sarcasim)?

Sorry for thread jack andrew ^^/.
Also I'm not sure what is meant by americans not liking hatches and what that has to do with our 4 door Si.

awptickes commented on how the car needed to lose the rear door, then said he doesnt understand americans and the lack of hatches.

The sedan is still sexier than the hatch ( in this situation).
IDK that 06+ he posted was darn-skippily-sexy! MUCH nicer than our EP3's.

I'd still take my 4-door over it though. Just because it's my DD and I can accommodate more hoes