Hmmm... Free IROC... Should I??

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If you are serious Steve, email me at and i'll get you in touch with him... He was either planning on selling it for $500, or keeping it for a winter beater... I told him keep it for a beater, so he doesn't have to drive his '03 Z4 3.0 6 speed that he just bought in the winter.
He's been using it for one for the past 5-10 years... :p

Steve... You got PM with his phone number... He says $500 w/o the cd player AS IS and its yours.
I don't think your buddy can dial a phone. I got some room in the garage again, can you try to hit him up ? He's not returned my call once... if it's even still there.
He talked to me yesterday... he was out of town this weekend. He got your message. His Nephew just turned 16, and was like "Uncle Tom, I could REALLY use a car".. and he couldn't say no... So he's giving it to his nephew...

Sorry. No Soup For You.