Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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How is that not a valid complaint though?
Because if you know the maps well enough and have some skill there is always a way to flank them and get them out of ther spot. If theyre the typical douche then theyll run right back to it and its a free kill every time. In hardcore killing someone feels like more of an accomplishment because (dont take this the wrong way but) there is some degree of skill/strategy involved. In Core, 9 times out of 10 you're just in the right place at the right time while bouncing around like a beach ball at a Nickelback concert. :p Its just a jumbled up mess. I mean hell, the person who gets shot first actually gets the advantage! :confused:

Forgot to mention I did get the FAD gold before the MP7 the other day. lol Its still about halfway through the last level and I have a feeling I'll be seeing a golden AK before it too.
Because if you know the maps well enough and have some skill there is always a way to flank them and get them out of ther spot. If theyre the typical douche then theyll run right back to it and its a free kill every time.

Fair point, but you still die a cheap death at least once, and that's assuming that the player in question is a no-skill dumbass who will sit in the exact same spot ADS'd until someone kills them. Being killed once by that guy is annoying enough, but what's truly infuriating are people that do have quick reflexes and map knowledge and choose to camp. These people could still do great even on the move, but instead they just post up somewhere and rely on people raging and coming back for revenge.

And yes, if you're skillful you might be able to flush them out. If they're holed up in a building for example, flashbangs will work. If it's a more wide open map though, something like Interchange perhaps where you can see people coming from a long ways off, then a good player can camp it up and dominate, and that leaves you with the scenario I was talking about (either you have to keep going back to them, or you have to camp yourself).

And yes, of course, you could try and flank them. That's easier said than done though when the one person you're after has 5 or more team-mates also trying to kill you...

In hardcore killing someone feels like more of an accomplishment because (dont take this the wrong way but) there is some degree of skill/strategy involved. In Core, 9 times out of 10 you're just in the right place at the right time while bouncing around like a beach ball at a Nickelback concert. :p Its just a jumbled up mess. I mean hell, the person who gets shot first actually gets the advantage! :confused:

Meh, skill will still prevail either way. If anything, it should be far easier to down someone with a fully auto weapon in hardcore. Just hose 'em down. Faster ROF should win the battle...
That's why my secondary weapon has become the SMAW except of course when backing up a sniper rifle. Not often do I really need a back-up so rockets have proven a very versatile option. Especially for shooting down UAVs that matter in HC. lol

I'll hold down an area on certain maps and I can definetly admit to that with no issue. I'm not sitting in a corner, but I'll stick to about a quarter of the map. Because I know the most likely areas people will come through and I can ambush them. But then on other maps I swear I get the "Nomad" accolade 60% of the time for sprinting the most out of everyone.

I think that's part of the fun of HC. Everyone has the option of that advantage and you've got to use your head to overcome it. I guess I enjoy the thrill of the hunt rather than just the kill. It's kind of like drag racing vs road courses; Core is a full bore rush for a very short period of time, HC is a sustained rush with a lot of ups and downs.
Decided to finish off the MP7 tonight. So it has now joined the SCAR, ACR, UMP45, and FAD in the gold category. AK47 shouldnt take too long either as its sitting at 27 or something like that. P90 will follow most likely.
I take it you aren't prestiging like a mad man?
Nope. As usual there's no point other than an extra slot and a new emblem. With the shit ton of guns I can level I'll never get "bored."

My classes are filled by two of one AR and two of one SMG that Im leveling at the time and of course my RSASS so I wont be tempted to sit on one maxed gun. Once the attachments perk is unlocked I slap that on each with different attachments I need to work on so Im doing 4 at a time. Worked well for the MP7 and is doing the same for the AK.
I guess I'm just a moody player. I prestiged to 10 in MW2 for my ten create a classes. Now I want to go to ten on 3 so I can get my ten classes as well. I always have a permanent Anti-Air class that I run a light machine gun, blind eye, assassin and ninja pro with the Stinger as my secondary. I also always position that in the center of all my classes (it was my third create a class out of 5 when I started).

I tend to switch around my classes a lot, I usually have two assaults, a running class, AA class, a shotgun, and a sniper class. If I can do two or more of each of those I'm a happy man. There's always games where I want to work on my LMG but I hate the map so I just corner camp with a sniper rifle and die a lot when people sneak up behind me. lol
I guess I'm just a moody player. I prestiged to 10 in MW2 for my ten create a classes. Now I want to go to ten on 3 so I can get my ten classes as well. I always have a permanent Anti-Air class that I run a light machine gun, blind eye, assassin and ninja pro with the Stinger as my secondary. I also always position that in the center of all my classes (it was my third create a class out of 5 when I started).

I tend to switch around my classes a lot, I usually have two assaults, a running class, AA class, a shotgun, and a sniper class. If I can do two or more of each of those I'm a happy man. There's always games where I want to work on my LMG but I hate the map so I just corner camp with a sniper rifle and die a lot when people sneak up behind me. lol

Well technically you wouldn't need to Prestige all the way until 10 to get all the custom slots on this game since you buy them with Prestige tokens. In fact, you really wouldn't even need to Prestige halfway to 10 if you've Prestiged in the other CoDs.

I'll probably go all the way until 10, but for now I'm not playing much. I don't want to get sick of it or get too far along before the majority of the new maps and whatnot come out...
I wasn't going to because I didn't like the online play (with the shotguns being primary's), so I wasn't going to play it all that much, but now I'm addicted so I'm going all the way up to 10 so I can work on all my guns. Right now I have 8 classes, I'll prestige the next two times to get all ten classes, then use the last tokens for prestige 9 and 10 to run double game xp.
level 30 mk14 already.. unlocked at 60, i'm only a 67.. only attachments to complete are shotgun (nearly finished) and thermal (havent even started yet) ... i'm about to earn 10k xp on 2 different weapon challenges for it.. so i think i'll use a prestige token(still have the 2 i started with) for double weapon xp right before.. lol.. that'll be 40k xp just for those 2..
Like I said, I have a SMAW backing up most classes and with blind eye pro, any class is an anti air class. lol One rocket and half a mag or less and a chopper is down.

The extra slots would be nice but 5 was enough for me before I started maxing guns. I ran one UMP45 class, two of my preferred AR. One ACOG supressed, the other random. impact heartbeat sensor or tubes I guess. A sniper class, and maybe a shotgun class or whever I felt like messing with.
Meh. I don't want to run blind eye and assassin on every class. My LMG class has SOH, Assassin, and sitrep at the moment.
I meant for the extra bullet damage towards choppers it gives. Taking them down is no chore. And UAVs shouldn't matter for you since you play regular. I'm all about sitrep pro these days. It's on everything except my sniper class which got marksman pro of course.
Well yeah, I run blind eye and assassin on any 'stealth' class I'm using like sniping or my AA class, but other than that I don't want to have every class with the same perk 1 and 2 slots.
Well yeah, I run blind eye and assassin on any 'stealth' class I'm using like sniping or my AA class, but other than that I don't want to have every class with the same perk 1 and 2 slots.


I just keep one class for anti-air and I switch to it if air support becomes a problem. Blind Eye is more of a passive perk. It's only useful at certain times, whereas other stuff like Sleight of Hand, Scavenger, and Extreme Conditioning is more generally useful. If you just slap Blind Eye and Assassin on everything, you're really missing out on some helpful perks...
Hit 3rd prestige yesterday. Demolition seems to be almost cheat code for racking up some decent points, unless you get absolutely crushed and spawn trapped. It depends too much on your team skill level vs the other team. Sometime your rack it up, and sometimes you go 2 and 50. Thats usually when youtube is crushing my hopes and dreams and i can't even get a stab before the guy turns around and kills me.
and..... prestige 7. this time I carried over the mk46. I've come to love that lmg.
and..... prestige 7. this time I carried over the mk46. I've come to love that lmg.

Damn bro, you are moving right along. I'm about halfway through Prestige 4, but I'm still laying off right now waiting for some DLC to come out to keep me interested...
HAHA they buffed the akimbos. they said they nerfed them, but independent testing shows they actually INCREASED fire rate of akimbos by 30-50% depending on gun.
HAHA they buffed the akimbos. they said they nerfed them, but independent testing shows they actually INCREASED fire rate of akimbos by 30-50% depending on gun.

Got any links showing what they did? As far as I know it was really only the FMG9s that people were complaining about...