Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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Was running Sleight of hand, overkill and steady aim pro while using the Scar and CM901. Got the scar to red and the cm to blue camo all the while using the kick proficiency and running through the attachments one by one.

I like this setup for the most part.
Mine is at level 26 or 27 now. I almost stopped using my MP7 altogether so its only halfway through the last level. Guess I was right about my FAD being gold first. lol That'll be 5 gold guns.
Duuude the FAD with an ACOG is BOSS! Works great on it. Also I know everyone knocks them, but while trying to get all the attachment milestones for it I slapped on a baby monitor and I think I really like them.

They're not just for campers, they have come in handy breaching rooms and getting random pings while running around. And funny enough they work kind of like a mine sweeper for finding campers. lol Man am I glad I run Assassin Pro.

So thats my current setup. About to hit 30, so gold wont be tooooo long now.
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ok.. got a question.. if I were to prestige again would the FAD carry over again or would I need to unlock it again?
i think it remains available for all future prestiges
the gold would be gone again, but the gun is still available
ok.. got a question.. if I were to prestige again would the FAD carry over again or would I need to unlock it again?

It becomes permanently unlocked. Any attachments or camos that you've earned will reset when you prestige, but the item itself will always be available...
ok cool.. all i was wondering.. i know i'll get bored and wanna prestige again.. now knowing that any unlocked guns carry over i'm more likely to do it.. will be the mk14 if i do again.. love that gun
lol.. u got me on one of my first games in several days.. plus non-hc is garbage.. last game i was only 2 kills behind.. 1st ones i was 9+ kills behind.. lol
Then I proceeded to get the KSG-12 to Level 30 later in the day. I like that shotgun, sometimes.... it just seems to be horribly inconsistant. I don't get how I can hit someone from 30+ feet and kill them, then I turn a corner and nail someone point blank in the chest... I'll just get a hit marker.
Core is for pussys. And anyone who blames not playing hc on camping likes the wang! Haha

How is that not a valid complaint though? It's easy enough to camp in any CoD game, in any game type. But take away the radar and make bullets twice as deadly and pretty much any mouth breather can crouch down somewhere and go ADS and get kills. And that sucks balls if you're the type that prefers to go seek out the enemy instead of camping.

And that's the thing about camping. Seems like you either have to play in to it or do it yourself. If both teams are doing it and no one refuses to budge, then you get a game that times out instead of reaching max score, and that's boring as fuck to me...

Then I proceeded to get the KSG-12 to Level 30 later in the day. I like that shotgun, sometimes.... it just seems to be horribly inconsistant. I don't get how I can hit someone from 30+ feet and kill them, then I turn a corner and nail someone point blank in the chest... I'll just get a hit marker.

I find most shotguns to be that way. Playing with the AA-12 last night I would get 1 or 2 hit kills from a fair distance, and then I'd be lighting people up at point blank, 3 or 4 shots and still end up dead somehow. It's quite rage-inducing...
you guys ever play infected?
its an interesting twist
you get a big group, the more the better, and then one guy gets infected, like a zombie
in the games lastnight the zombies only had melee knife attacks, the first zombie gets a throwing knife to help him get his first recruit, and then the zombies have to infect everyone else by knifing them
zombie juggernauts vs normal players
or juggernaut normal players vs zombies, you need 2 stabs to kill em.
can be very frustrating, especially on dome when everyone camps up on the catwalk, but tey run out of ammo sooner or later and need to come down to scavenge, and you pop em
or everyone just constantly rushes until you overtake them
give it a try sometime, lots of moabs.