Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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Great, ok. But better? Explain.

While the RSASS is a true semi-auto, it has more kick per shot. I haven't messed around with it a whole lot, but I've found that if you're camping with a sniper rifle a faster firing rifle isn't always the best thing, especially if you're trying to make up for the first shot you missed on. with the AS50 and it's slightly slower rate of fire you have more of a chance to reset your sights on where you want the bullet to go.

BTW, this is just all my opinion based on my way of sniping. I don't ever try to use a rifle as an assault rifle like most guys do on this game.

Edit: I only play hardcore too, but I've sniped someone in the head and not gotten a kill before even on HC.
There's actually little to no kick on the RSASS. You don't really have to reset on your target especially if you use kick. Also, though I don't use mine like an AR its nice to be able to when that ACOG is on there. Don't always have time to switch to the akimbo fmgs.
There's actually little to no kick on the RSASS. You don't really have to reset on your target especially if you use kick. Also, though I don't use mine like an AR its nice to be able to when that ACOG is on there. Don't always have time to switch to the akimbo fmgs.

Maybe the one they assigned me in game just sucked then. :(

When I snipe, I want the loooooooooooooooooong range kills... which very little kick will throw you off a lot.
ill probably change to something else for sniper secondary. the fmgs arent as good since the nerf
funny.. i run akimbo fmgs as my sniper secondary too
It isnt just a coincidence. ;)

Maybe the one they assigned me in game just sucked then. :(
Must be it. :p

When I snipe, I want the loooooooooooooooooong range kills... which very little kick will throw you off a lot.
Yea, thats kind of the point. So are you saying the AS50 has ZERO kick then? Cause I highly doubt it, and the RSASS has at most next to none, so I see no reason why its not a better rifle. Semi-auto, same range, bigger mag, and still one shot kill. To each his own, but to me it was always a no brainer. Though I do think the MSR is a way cooler rifle.

ill probably change to something else for sniper secondary. the fmgs arent as good since the nerf
I thought they proved that the "nerf" never really nerfed anything. I was using them the other day and they still raped. I could feel good saying Ive never lost a dual with those bad boys pulled out unless I was way out of range.
i think they fixed their mistake. they seemed noticeably less powerful and slower ROF last time i used them
ill probably change to something else for sniper secondary. the fmgs arent as good since the nerf

I didn't notice any difference. I was trying to level up the AA-12 last night and got frustrated so I just pulled those things out and went on a rampage. Seem just as potent as ever. Maybe the nerf hasn't hit PS3 yet? Was it in the 1.08 patch?

I really do understand why people hate those things. It's pretty much easy mode when you're using them...
He plays pc. I didn't notice anything on 360 either. Just tested them out on private match along with all the sniper rifles. James, revisit the RSASS. In prone especially, its just as I said. 20 rounds in rapid succession. Practically zero kick even with a bare rifle out of the box no perks. AND if you like taking longer shots, it comes equipped with a way better scope probably 50% more zoom. :D That frees up a slot for other attachments you don't have to waste to make up for the AS50's shortcomings. Seriously, though. Try it out again. You might be surprised.
I just run kick + silencer on my rifles, plus blind eye, assassin and marksman. That's pretty much ALWAYS how my sniper classes are set up.
All the more reason to pick the RSASS with the better scope since you prefer long snipes. It's the superior rifle, NOOB!
too bad there isnt much opportunity for long snipes
Yea, thats kind of the point. So are you saying the AS50 has ZERO kick then? Cause I highly doubt it, and the RSASS has at most next to none, so I see no reason why its not a better rifle. Semi-auto, same range, bigger mag, and still one shot kill. To each his own, but to me it was always a no brainer. Though I do think the MSR is a way cooler rifle.

The AS50 has tons of kick, I'm just saying its better for me to have a slower firing rifle.
Haha, ok then leave it at that. For your style of play the AS50 may be more fitting, but that doesn't make it the better rifle. That's all I was getting at. Diffrnet strokes for diffrent folks.
Sure it does make it a better rifle. Seems like a new age legit gun in the real world, I can't base everything about those two guns just on the game. :)
lol it's so much fun to fuck around with you guys.