Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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I like that they don't force you to complete the weapon attachment challenges in order to level up the guns and get camos. I cannot STAND silenced sniper rifles. They suck so bad. I decided I'd give it a whirl last night with the Barrett. Got into a Domination game on Interchange. I was hitting people in the chest from not even that far away and just getting hit markers. No thanks. Not worth it...
play HC if you want realistic.. i dont like snipers w/o the silencer.. gets rid of some of the kick
I'm pretty sure that's a myth. IRL a suppressor can help with recoil because they increase the gun's barrel length a bit, but in CoD I don't think they've ever actually reduced recoil. I think it's just a mental thing, especially on the SMGs. The silencers cut down on the noise and the muzzle flash, so aiming and shooting is less distracting.

There's this guy that has pulled the weapons stats for every CoD game out of the PC code and checked all this stuff. I can't remember his website at the moment, but I'll see if I can find it. IIRC, suppressors haven't ever had an impact on recoil, only the grip attachments and now the Kick proficiency.

Oh, and there were a few weird things in MW2 where an attachment would reduce recoil, like the holo sight on the M16...

EDIT: But yeah, I guess silenced snipers would be much more viable in Hardcore...
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gold Barrett... yeeee!!!

so that makes
Barrett .50 Cal
... working on M60 now for my final gold class.. lol
LMGs are the one thing I haven't touched yet. I heard that they kind of suck in this game. Any thoughts? I heard that their range is a lot shorter now...
mk46 is beast. LMGs arent bad in this game, they are the same in my opinion as they were in MW2. I like the mk46 the best, but the PKP is close second in my book. But with all my LMGs i use the kick proficiency and silencers.
thats pretty much what i run on every class.. lol.. sometimes i'll switch blind eye for sleight of hand
I generally run sleight of hand on most of my classes. Once you get used to being able to switch between your two guns quickly it's hard to use anything else. Its usually the first perk I pro, and then finish off the pro challenges for.
I generally run sleight of hand on most of my classes. Once you get used to being able to switch between your two guns quickly it's hard to use anything else. Its usually the first perk I pro, and then finish off the pro challenges for.

Same for me. Reload times just seem so painfully slow without it. And I like to run around with SMGs and shotguns and get fairly close, so being able to reload quickly saves my ass a lot of the time...