New Online Racing Shizzzzzzzz

  • Thread starter sisteve
  • Start date
  • Replies 385
  • Views 14K

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i give up... i got raided, got my porsche stolen... dropped from 4th to 1231231212312 th place.
im out.
that sucks. i bet u those top guys are the site's staff or something. one guy has won over 2000 races and the site only opened 5 days ago :wtf:

brian...did you not invest in one of the super-high-stage security systems? they go from stage 1 ($500) to stage 10 ($10,000). im thinking u didnt :(

haha i love it! all the 10+ fuggers who'ved raced me offline LOST..except 1. i've got a sleeper :), my name in there isnt rixxxceboy....well it is, but i have another account too.
Ok now i'm off.New account bserious is doing good if there is room on the crew.
shit. i thought all those were wins, but they were losses :( well at least half of them were draws cause i didnt have any gas or money hehe

having a turbo with no intercooler sucks

someone got caught trying to jack my home! LOL wonder what the fine for THAT is!! :eek: i got a lil better than basic stage 1 security hehe :D
I dumped all my N/A parts and bought everything turbo I could get for that stage(not a lot).Power rating is still around 260.It won't let me train to get a higher skill level so I can't buy the really good stuff yet.It's funny though,if I lose a race someone else challenged me to,I usaully beat em in a rematch.
:werd: I see ur number 12 Calesta, I'm right behind you thanks to a fucktard with no alarm on his Skyline V Spec :)
Nice. I can't hit it at work- filters block it now. I think I've grabbed a Ferrari F355, S2000 Type V or whatever that is, someone's Spooned out Si, ahhh dammit I can't remember. 3 of the cars are worth 140k+ though.
You have successfully broken into the vehicle and make a clean getaway. No one witnessed the event.The vehicle has been placed in your garage.

This was that d00d that jacked Brian...0wn3d!
Btw is was a S2K type V. :) :lol:
np, I forgot to put I also PM'ed him ::

"Merry fucking Christmas

Thanks for the best Christmas present ever"

I know my sol is gonna get jacked now :(