so i went to bmw today...

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I would agree with everyone that says you should wait on getting a new M. It seems foolish to spend such a large amount of money on a new car. Especially when you have 10k in savings.

I'm 17 and I already have 2k in savings, I've only been working 1 year. I only made $6500 last year, but I was able to pay off my $3k Civic, pay for the gas, and pay for the insurance.

If you really want it, why don't you save up for it? That way you don't spend months paying off just the interest. Plunking down 60k at once for a car would seem like a lot more money. 60 months is quite awhile to pay off a car too. By then there will probably be something bigger and better out, that you will want instead, and you will go through the same process again. All the while gaining even more debt. Start budgeting your money and find a way to put as much as you can afford into a savings account every month. It's nice to have that buffer just in case, and in a few years you'll have a nice hefty sum saved up. $10k is really a measly sum for someone that makes enough to spend $1000 a month on a new car, you should have at least 6 months pay in savings.

Personally, I think that living your life in debt (aside from a house payment) seems like it would get old fast. I don't want to owe everything I make to someone forever.

First I'll address Chaz. You're 17, you seem pretty level headed and that will pay off in the future. However, in no way can you compare your situation to that of someone who has to pay to house and feed themselves on a daily basis. There's a reason why the youth of America has more disposable income and buying power than any other single segment in the US market, lack of expenses. Saving is relatively easy when you can bank virtually all of your income earned. Continue to save and do what you're doing, but understand that in the future the situation becomes much more complex and difficult. Before college I had about $15k saved up of my own money, but things quickly change. In reality, knowing what I know now, I am so behind the ball in comparison to people who grew up with investments in their names and bonds waiting for them when they turned 18/21. I should have been taking my money and rather than letting it sit in a savings account, I should have prepared a better future for myself through investments.

A general rule of thumb for short term savings vehicles, a.k.a. savings accounts, is 2 1/2 months salary in savings. If you were to put away six months worth of salary, into a low interest yielding savings account, you're missing out on the potential money to be made from investing your money. At that point you should be looking at safe investments like money markets and then onto mid/long term investments and then onto long term investments.

I'll weigh in my comments. Its a shaky economy right now that will eventually become stable, but no one is sure of the changes that will take place between the current instability and the eventual stability. In that time you may find yourself out of your current job. There's no real reason to carry that sort of debt especially in a time of instability.

You'll eventually find another girlfriend, so consider that money that you've said you now has left over as already earmarked. Within 60months someone new will be along or you'll have a completely different situation in general.

As an alternative the Lexus IS F or even a BMW 335i optioned seems as though they would be more than sufficient for your needs. How many times do you take the M to the track that you really need the "increased handling capabilities of the new M" when the 335i can probably handle anything you can throw at it, out on public roads.
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down here in FL...everyone and their sister has BMW's.... Thats almost all I see on the road.... But down here, people have more money.

If you want it...then get it. If your perfectly set financially, then your golden. But always life....something always pops up. Medical issues with a loved one, house problems, loss of a job, market flipping upside down, unexpected pregnancies....etc...

I still think your jumping in too fast into buying high dollar things, but you do seem to be having good luck with doing it. There will be a stopping point for it...because you can only up-grade things to a point...then your going to just end up with overly up-graded stuff for no real reason. Maybe that might be why your love life has been on a huge roller coaster lately... You want too much, expect too much, and/or/are too picky for the things you want.

Your leading yourself into a situation that one day you will have all the pimpest shit anyone can own...and you meet a girl...and she's only going to go out with you because you pimp the best stuff, and she will expect it all the time. But your going to be so deep into bills that you wont have any money left over to buy her something nice, go somewhere like a vacation to Europe, or afford a decent wedding that will match the caliber of the things you have.....and then you get divorced...and it's all gone.

But what do I know....I'm 35, on my second wife, in over my head with debt because I also want pimp shit and a cool house... I'm stuck down in Florida working for the same money, but all expenses are paid by the company, and away from my cars, projects, loved one and friends. And it boils down to money. I want less debt, so when something happens, I can take care of it, and not get into deeper debt and have to give up things I already worked hard for. I limit myself to fast cars that I build myself, and does the same performance that the high end cars can do. (just never got the time to build them...because I work too much to afford them) Also I'm still working on getting a safety buffer bank account that can afford any unexpected happenings, a quick romantic trip to some other country, or setting up the wife to have a happy life if I have an accident and pass on, or get laid up in the hospital for years.

You already have enough toys and a pimp house...start working on a sweet bride, and maybe a few kids that you can enjoy raising.;)

+1 for you, You just gained a tremendous amount of respect in my book.
I know wanting something can eat at you and consume nearly every percentage of your mind but can you really get happiness from any material possession, sure its easy to think you can but what happens when your old and dying and you have nobody there to see you off and keep you company, the vultures that loved your money oh so much will quickly disappear or perhaps simply hound you more simply because they will want a take in your will, regardless it will not be genuine love and I believe thats something everyone should feel before dying. yes I know this is a topic simply asking about an opinion on a vehicle not life counseling, but as someone who grew up dirt poor with junky parents and being on my own since I was 16 it will quickly alter your outtake in life against anything material. I say keep the truck for the long winter snows, trade in your current ride for something of equal or less value, or keep it and go out and live a little, visit other areas and see some culture
Thanks guys.

I know you are all throwing out other cars... but frankly, the ONLY car I will replace the e46 with is the e92. everything else, i'd rather have the e46.

I'm probably going to pass on it. As much as I'd like to, i KNOW it's a dumb move. But part of me wants it so bad. lol

it's like the model with aids. all you want to do is tap it, but if you do you're screwed. lol

As for the vacation.... I have no where to go, and no one to go with. :shrug2: frankly, i'm not too big on traveling.
Thanks guys.

I know you are all throwing out other cars... but frankly, the ONLY car I will replace the e46 with is the e92. everything else, i'd rather have the e46.

I'm probably going to pass on it. As much as I'd like to, i KNOW it's a dumb move. But part of me wants it so bad. lol

it's like the model with aids. all you want to do is tap it, but if you do you're screwed. lol

As for the vacation.... I have no where to go, and no one to go with. :shrug2: frankly, i'm not too big on traveling.
If I can ever get a decent amount of money I will take you lol, it sucks being poor XD. Your simply not big on traveling most likely because you've never done it, once again I'll have to side with jockie and say go to Japan some time, thats always been a dream of mine and I think you would enjoy yourself tremendously.
drag racing is gay

You are right. Utterly PWNING somebody who was talking shit IS gay. Infact, its no fun at all to rub it in their face. :rolleyes:

Its about respect.

*note, i am not condoning this activity at all, especially on a public road.
Aside from politics b and I agree on a lot of things.

I think traveling is a waste of time (although I am making plans to go to indy for the gran prix). I mean why travel when you can relax at home for free?

As for the E92. I would definitely have one...when i turn 25 and my insurance isnt as much as the car payment.

(See $465 for the S2000 and $360 for the insurance)
Your simply not big on traveling most likely because you've never done it, once again I'll have to side with jockie and say go to Japan some time, thats always been a dream of mine and I think you would enjoy yourself tremendously.

B you would probly love Japan... think about it a whole country with good sushi and women with no boobs :lmao:
i've seen too much porn to be attracted to asians anymore. all they do is shit on each other, or shit constantly... and its never pretty.
i've seen too much porn to be attracted to asians anymore. all they do is shit on each other, or shit constantly... and its never pretty.

i just only spend $200 a month on dates...and $800 on a car....hmmm

I can barely get out of a bar alone for under $80...

I wonder if that means your cheap or im a drunk......
i haven't been to a bar in months. all the bars here are either white trash drunks driving beat up pickups, or dance clubs.

I don't dance and I have all my teeth, so i don't fit in anywhere, so I stay my ass home.

moment of silence for the roo bar :(
lol I know exacctly what your talking about B with the exception of dance clubs, everywhere here is filled with redneck hics that look like they just drove down from WV
First I'll address Chaz. You're 17, you seem pretty level headed and that will pay off in the future. However, in no way can you compare your situation to that of someone who has to pay to house and feed themselves on a daily basis. There's a reason why the youth of America has more disposable income and buying power than any other single segment in the US market, lack of expenses. Saving is relatively easy when you can bank virtually all of your income earned. Continue to save and do what you're doing, but understand that in the future the situation becomes much more complex and difficult. Before college I had about $15k saved up of my own money, but things quickly change. In reality, knowing what I know now, I am so behind the ball in comparison to people who grew up with investments in their names and bonds waiting for them when they turned 18/21. I should have been taking my money and rather than letting it sit in a savings account, I should have prepared a better future for myself through investments.

A general rule of thumb for short term savings vehicles, a.k.a. savings accounts, is 2 1/2 months salary in savings. If you were to put away six months worth of salary, into a low interest yielding savings account, you're missing out on the potential money to be made from investing your money. At that point you should be looking at safe investments like money markets and then onto mid/long term investments and then onto long term investments.

I'll weigh in my comments. Its a shaky economy right now that will eventually become stable, but no one is sure of the changes that will take place between the current instability and the eventual stability. In that time you may find yourself out of your current job. There's no real reason to carry that sort of debt especially in a time of instability.

Oh I realize that it's a completely different story once you're living on your own. But it's not totally different. Personally I would never invest my money in something that could cause me to lose money. Yea it could be a way to "get rich quick." But it could also be a good way to lose more than I gain. As for safe ways to invest my money what exactly should I be looking into? Can anyone make any good suggestions?

Your general rule of thumb may be 2 1/2 months, but my Dad has always taught me that it is safest to have at least 6 months pay. Who would I be to argue with him? He does make over 100k a year, with no college education I might ad. He is very successful, and an extremely hard worker. He has taught me just about everything I know about saving money. My Mom on the other hand has taught me how to spend little money yet still get quality goods.

I appreciate everyones compliments on my level head, you may just be just random internet people, but it still feels good :).