The Walking Dead

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yeah me too. Mrs Taco wondered why he was even put in that situation in the first place!!!
This weeks episode was extra gore!!!

especially when the butchering at the end went down!!!!! holy crap.
I think the baby is infected and will eat his way out of her....:lol:
my gf said the same thing. "why the F did they take the old guy?" lol

the whole baby side plot may play out interestingly....
The one friggen time Carl actually stays put, it should have been him instead of Hershel
i try to watch as few previews as i can... i like to be completely surprised with what happens
I get it. I made the mistake of looking at facebook before I watched the recording and read what happened to Herschel. I'm gonna knife that mf'er in the face for spoiling that one.
well, knife yourself for me while you're at it then. lol if you're going to give something away, hilight it in white font.
Well its not necessarily dealing with what you asked about. lol It's just been said that there will be much more zombie action in this season than the last. And that's pretty much a given. Where they come from is anyone's guess. A shitty patch just seemed logical.
I just want to know how all those dudes are still alive. It's been what, a couple years? since the infection? Even just a year, they would have been dead a long time ago.
I just want to know how all those dudes are still alive. It's been what, a couple years? since the infection? Even just a year, they would have been dead a long time ago.
I'm pretty sure they were in a cafeteria
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Dish Network dropped AMC.....I'm pissed. Guess AMC wanted too much $$$?

I did watch the premiere on my laptop...but I figure they will not show all episodes via internet this season :thumbsdown:
Yea that sucks . They're running ads constantly during the episodes telling people to tell their friends to switch providers. lol
So I'm just catching up on walking dead halfway through season 2. Found out what happened to Sophia, and this show just isnt doing it for me.

At this point I'm doing what people that didn't like star wars did. Watching to at least understand wtf everyone is talking about. At least I still have breaking bad and dexter.
Season 2 lost some viewers I'm sure. It's the usual series character development season. Season 3 is said to be MUCH more entertaining throughout if you want more gore and zombie encounters. Which I'm sure everybody interested in a zombie outbreak series would be.
i liked the character development
i need a reason to like or dislike these people in order to give a shit about what happens to them
if i dont give a shit about the characters then there is only so long im going to sit around and watch zombies get redeaded
Maybe it's cause I'm marathoning this shit, but I'm ready for Rick to just kill Shane. Probably won't happen, but Shane is a whiny little bitch.

Ultimately the characters are just too one sided for me. I think the most complex person on the show is the dude from the boondock saints. Maybe hershal on the farm too. Other than that no one is really any different or complex sense the second episode.