The Walking Dead

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no shooting of Shane, I'm waiting for them to duke it out mano a mano!

I do see the group splitting in this season, too much drama within themselves since their views are being tested by each leader.... in this case shane and Rick.
I highly doubt Rick would have shot Otis. And are you forgetting daryl and Ricks bitch's conversation on the matter? No one wants to believe he did it cause no one agrees with it.

One of these days he's going to make a rash decision and get someone "important" hurt. Planning for the worst and dealing with it when it happens is what a leader does. Flipping out at the drop of a hat is what an insane person does. He's losing his grip. Rick is coming into his own.
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I highly doubt Rick would have shot Otis. And are you forgetting daryl and Ricks bitch's conversation on the matter? No one wants to believe he did it cause no one agrees with it.
You don't think a father would shoot someone to save his son's life by getting to him faster?

Lorie will jump on that wagon once she hears it was to help Carl. Lorie: "You son of a bitch! You killed Otis!"
Shane: "Look here bitch, I had to do it to make sure I got back fast enough to save your son's life"
Lorie: "oh ok. carry on..."

:ph34r: :)

There's no way on earth a loving parent isn't going to be ok with someone losing their life in exchange for helping to save their child's life.
One of these days he's going to make a rash decision and get someone "important" hurt. Planning for the worst and dealing with it when it happens is what a leader does. Flipping out at the drop of a hat is what an insane person does. He's losing his grip. Rick is coming into his own.
When has he ever flipped out right off the bat? He voices his opinion with Rick first and then Rick doesn't listen to him, so he gets pissed and he is pissed because he knows he is right and then when everything goes down, Rick finally admits Shane was right. Just like when he vented to his wife about him keeping them at the farm looking for Sophia for no reason. Holding on to "hope" during a Zombie Apocolypse(sp?) is just plain stupid IMO.

Now i'm not saying Rick is a horrible leader. He has great qualities but Shane has been Ride Or Die the entire time and I think it's awesome :D This is just my opinion though. We keep going in circles like there's a right or wrong way to just try and survive lol.
This is why the show is so damn good. Nothing in it is black and white. Because in a situation like this how could it be?
He didn't do it for Carl. It was to save his own ass and i hope you really know that.

He kind of has really but im kinda drunk and can't remember specific examples. Either way, he will soon. They're not just holding on to hope for the sake of it. They're holding onto their sanity as best they can. Also, hope is what keeps you going sometimes. Once you accept that you're just going to die anyway, you just let yourself die.
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He didn't do it for Carl. It was to save his own ass and i hope you really know that.

He didn't do it for Carl? Do you even remember what Shane was out there for in the first place? He was also helping Otis lug his big, injured ass to the truck. Then the Zombie's started catching up. It was either sacrifice Otis and save yourself to get the meds/equipment to your best friend's dying son, or you both die and the child dies as well...

Anyway, I hear the next episode is supposed to be bad ass.

What do you guys think about that one chick who is bed ridden right now? Scratched by her Mom/Zombie and got infected?
Yea he started out with good intentions until he himself was injured. Don't know if you remember that either. He was being slowed down by his fd up leg more than Otis.
Yea he started out with good intentions until he himself was injured. Don't know if you remember that either. He was being slowed down by his fd up leg more than Otis.

yeah, i'm not sure i agree with what shane did either. but if it were me in the same situation, it's possible i would have done the same thing.

As E always says.... I don't have to be faster than all the zombies... i just have to be faster than you.
I mean, I'm not say I wouldn't do the same thing either. lol Just saying it most definetly wasn't for Carl, and that most of the group will not agree with his choice like B16RacerN2NR was sayin.
Yeah, i think it might have been the right move, i just think he did it a tad bit too soon. There was still a bit of time to make the getaway.
Indeed.We'll see how it all plays out. But I think Shane's sanity will really be called into question and he'll either A Leave the group, or B (the more likely scenario) flip shit over the accusation and cause some more immediate issues.
What do you guys think about that one chick who is bed ridden right now? Scratched by her Mom/Zombie and got infected?

thats exactly what i was thinking. I mean there's not too many other likely possibilities for such a sudden illness in their situation.
to add to the shane debate:

do you not remember when shane lined up his shotgun sights with rick's head?