12 second b16 swap, whats needed?

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what id love to do is show all these dam srt-4 drivers whats up, the ones around here think there so cool they sit in a big group with a bunch of eclipses and a few ford focuses, there cars are nice and most are quick but i think it would be awsome to beat a turbo car with a non turbo'd honda
Go for it. I've done it, but it's not cheap- especially when you're talking about straight line races, and considering how easy it is for those factory turbo cars to bolt on a hundred or more horsepower.


My preference is still NA over turbo. Just know what you're getting into.
yeah, the basic concept of turbo is simple but it kinda scares me id hate to blow my new b16...the way i see it is i want to go faster not only with power but with tires/suspension/ and tranny gearing/shifting... if i have diffrent shocks/springs that make it stick to the ground and better tires, with a good short throw shifter, and my lsd tranny i should have a decent advantage ...kinda like beating them with brains not braun...
what id love to do is show all these dam srt-4 drivers whats up, the ones around here think there so cool they sit in a big group with a bunch of eclipses and a few ford focuses, there cars are nice and most are quick but i think it would be awsome to beat a turbo car with a non turbo'd honda

I feel ya there, unfortunately stock turbo cars repsond to mods very well especially NSRT4s, while I'd love to see and NA honda beat an FI srt4 the money is better spent on a turbo'd honda. let's say budget of 5k, with 5k on a turbo setup you'll be much closer to killing and srt4 then on 5k all motor. My best advice is to plan and research.
imo newer turbo cars are over rated.. ford makes a focus in a diffrent country(cant remember whare) that uses a 5cyl turbo engine that makes 300hp.. there trying to push production into the us but there saying its to much power for american streets, i think 300hp is really pitiful from a turbo 5 cylinder with technology that we have.. hell you can make that from a b16 that was made in 1990 with a turbo and engine mods... and its a 4cyl... and plus this fucus weighs 3000 lbs.. its soposed to have a top speed of 162mph, that thing has to be geared reeaally high for those speeds...
hmm.. i know the first cobalt ss came with superchargers, and now there turbo'd, i wonder why the change? and im lost on a supercharger, i guess ill check it out
Turbos are cheaper to produce and are capable of making better numbers at the top end. Superchargers cost a little more, make less top end power, but they have no "spool" time. The power is always there, and always being used. Superchargers are more reliable as well, but when one does go out, you're out $2000 instead of a few hundred for a new snail.
Turbos are cheaper to produce and are capable of making better numbers at the top end. Superchargers cost a little more, make less top end power, but they have no "spool" time. The power is always there, and always being used. Superchargers are more reliable as well, but when one does go out, you're out $2000 instead of a few hundred for a new snail.

Werd. 225 whp is easily attainable with a jrsc kit with 6psi, proper supporting mods, and a good tune. I love my blown b series hatch, my new stock-ish ITR hatch feels dog slow compared to it, especially around town. Check out the link in my sig to get a flavor for it. BTW, I'm going to sell the car soon, so if your near Ohio, and want a reliable car already built, PM me:)
i think somebody needs to push NOS. you can achieve your 12 sec 1/4 and you arent constantly running i shit ton of power like with a turbo. dont get me wrong turbo's are great forms of power but for what you want.... i would go with NOS
p.s. NOS is also cheaper than a turbo... unless you go with an ebay setup
i think somebody needs to push NOS. you can achieve your 12 sec 1/4 and you arent constantly running i shit ton of power like with a turbo. dont get me wrong turbo's are great forms of power but for what you want.... i would go with NOS
p.s. NOS is also cheaper than a turbo... unless you go with an ebay setup
id like nos but i would also want the power to be there all the time, and nos isnt street legal whare i live. i thaught of an ebay turbo but i dont like the fact that if it messes up it can ruin my motor..
thought of piecing together a home-made kit? Can save you some $$$ and done right will give you the power you want safely and effectively :cool:
id like nos but i would also want the power to be there all the time, and nos isnt street legal whare i live. i thaught of an ebay turbo but i dont like the fact that if it messes up it can ruin my motor..
Turbo or supercharger isn't legal either... So either route you go, you still got illegal mods on your ride.

Also, with nitrous, the power IS there when ever you want/need it. I don't know why you think you don't have this power at your disposal. If anything, nitrous 'can be' more reliable than turbo or supercharged because the strain on the motor is only there when you want it to be there and for a short amount of time.

yeah im either going to do that or supercharge... i like the supercharge idea i think its simpler than a turbo/ less pieces also
If you think supercharged is going to be easier/cheaper/more reliable, then you're in for a rude awakening. Turbo, Supercharged, and Nitrous all have their pros and cons.

If you want the best bang for your buck right now without needing to save up, Nitrous is what you want. If you have the self control not to spend money and can save to do a supercharge or Turbo build the CORRECT way, then by all means go for it. However, nitrous ends up being more costly in the long run due to needing the bottle refilled time and time again.

IMO, go do some more research so you can decide exactly what route you wanna go and while you're doing that, if you still have that itch to spend money and get a little more power, buy things that will be useful for any route you decide to go. I.E. Lightweight flywheel, good quality suspension and brake parts, light wheels with some good sticky tires, ect... You get the point.
turbo and superchargers are not street legal? thats a new one theres like 4748498 cars around here like neons and cavaliers also eclipses that wernt factory turbo that are now, and trust me if it wasnt legal the cops around here would put a stop to it
turbo and superchargers are not street legal? thats a new one theres like 4748498 cars around here like neons and cavaliers also eclipses that wernt factory turbo that are now, and trust me if it wasnt legal the cops around here would put a stop to it
it is illegal dude trust!
its just that people still do it anyways..
I think Greddy has street legal turbo kits if thats wat your lookin for..
turbo and superchargers are not street legal? thats a new one theres like 4748498 cars around here like neons and cavaliers also eclipses that wernt factory turbo that are now, and trust me if it wasnt legal the cops around here would put a stop to it
Just because people do it doesn't make it legal. Do you signal exactly 100ft before you turn? I'll bet dollars to cents that you don't and that's illegal if you don't but i'm sure the cops don't care. You see where i'm going with this?

it is illegal dude trust!
its just that people still do it anyways..
I think Greddy has street legal turbo kits if thats wat your lookin for..
I'm not exactly sure how the Greddy kits work but I think they are CARB legal, not street legal. Sounds dumb as shit, I know...