Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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I officially suck at this game. Lvl 34, no prestige.

I maybe play 4 hours a week if I'm lucky and its usually late at night when my wife and son are sleeping. The game is becoming infuriatingly ridiculous to play at times.
thats because you play at night.. all the really good people play in the middle of the night i've noticed.. probably from Japan, etc..
Best time to play is immediately after work EST time, 5-5:30ish. All the kiddies are on and as a general rule of thumb, they all really suck. I don't start getting into clan games where people are VERY good until 10-11 pm.
Best time to play is immediately after work EST time, 5-5:30ish. All the kiddies are on and as a general rule of thumb, they all really suck. I don't start getting into clan games where people are VERY good until 10-11 pm.

weekday mornings are best. 6-8am. the young kids play before school.

also, play more hardcore. it's easier to get kills. you dont' have to unload a full clip.
i never unload clips on someone.. one, maybe 2 trigger pulls and they're dead.. lol.. but i use the m16 or Famas most of the time.. gotta love the 3 round bursts
weekday mornings are best. 6-8am. the young kids play before school.

also, play more hardcore. it's easier to get kills. you dont' have to unload a full clip.

I ONLY play hardcore, remember I'm the one that told all of you fools to play more hardcore. lol

Also the FAMAS sucks. I hate hitting people only having to hit them with another to kill them.

The M16 is always a single burst aside from last/final standers.
I optioned out the M4, but have been using the Tar exclusively for a few weeks now. I still have to unleash half a clip into some guys to die.
I generally don't go full auto and just spray unless I know there's an enemy behind a wall somewhere and I have a gripped/FMJ light machine gun. Then I spray the fuck out of the wall for the fun of it.

It's kind of ironic, I love the M16, but I hate the 3 round burst, but when I'm using the Scar/Tar/M4/AK, I usually 2-3 round burst fire it.
I really don't spray and pray, nor do I shoot from the hip. I usually sight them out and tend to get a lot of headshots that way...
I ONLY play hardcore, remember I'm the one that told all of you fools to play more hardcore. lol

Also the FAMAS sucks. I hate hitting people only having to hit them with another to kill them.

The M16 is always a single burst aside from last/final standers.

i only use the Famas w/ stopping power.. takes one shot.. until i get cold blooded, then i switch it up to the SCAR
I really don't spray and pray, nor do I shoot from the hip. I usually sight them out and tend to get a lot of headshots that way...

I get more headshots hipfiring than I do aiming, unless I'm standing right behind someone that doesn't know I'm there. I rarely hipfire unless someone comes around a corner right next to me.

i only use the Famas w/ stopping power.. takes one shot.. until i get cold blooded, then i switch it up to the SCAR

Cold Blooded/CB Pro is the only 2nd perk I use once I open it up, I usually have everything else pro'd out anyway.
exactly why i said once i get cold blooded it goes in every class i have.. until then, i'll take stopping power or lightweight