breaking news - bin laden dead

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So, now we have someone taking credit for the kill shot.

The Man Who Got bin Laden: The Most Deadly Would-be Journalist in the World - Yahoo! News

I thought this was uber top secret and would never be named?

Not the SEAL that physically pulled the trigger, he is the commander of the unit ...

Vice Adm. William McRaven, himself a SEAL, was on the ground in Afghanistan as bin Laden met his end, linked electronically to CIA chief Leon Panetta at agency headquarters in Langley, Va.

If he pulled the trigger than that is one hell of a sniper rifle he's got.
true, i understand that. but they are of bin laden's kid and messenger. the only thing in question is the date. if these pictures are real and who they say they are, there is a good possibility that if OBL is dead, there are pictures.

my concern isn't just the truth of OBL being dead or not, but also if there are pictures.

Jesus, the guy is dead.

Al-Qaida vows revenge for Osama bin Laden's death - Yahoo! News

SO not only is his family saying he was killed in the raid, but so is AQ. I guess for the true conspiracy nuts AQ is a creation of the CIA anyway, so that surely won't be good enough.
apparently we have uncovered bin laden's plans to derail a train this september 11th, bin laden had also been planning his next big strike against the US.
theyre not done
Couple hundred MOAB would be the most environmentally friendly approach.
ohh but theres a democratic government established over there. all is well, we are safe. life is peachy.

time to pack up the explosives and head home.

Alex Jones is a joke. That said the administration handling of this assassination has been grade school at best, with no eye on the bigger picture. The amount of information that the media, and American people have been given is simply ridiculous from a national security stand point. We know what team did the take down, what intel was found in the compound, pretty much the entire chain of command for the operation. This is just too much information that the public doesn't need to know, more specifically, that our enemies don't need to know we know. Awesome, we have all their safe house's around the world ...guess where they won't be going now. We know what targets they were planning on hitting, and how, guess what's going to be changed now.

It's funny the Obama said they didn't want to "spike the football", yet before the assault team was even debriefed, was making an announcement to the world. Now since the news of the raid the story has changed for the umpteenth time, and we have to listen to all these whacked out conspiracies.
Ill agree that alex jones isnt correct about everything, but neither is our government.

Take everything you hear with a grain of salt.
The amount of information that the media, and American people have been given is simply ridiculous from a national security stand point. We know what team did the take down, what intel was found in the compound, pretty much the entire chain of command for the operation. This is just too much information that the public doesn't need to know, more specifically, that our enemies don't need to know we know. Awesome, we have all their safe house's around the world ...guess where they won't be going now. We know what targets they were planning on hitting, and how, guess what's going to be changed now.

The 'intelligence' dispensed about this kind of stuff is most like completely made up, or changed enough so as not to give any actual info away. That way the public is satiated and no real info is given.
I don't necessarily believe that AQ is a creation of the CIA, but OBL had a CIA connection since the late 70's.

Of course he did, the Mujahideen were fighting communist Russia and the US was using it as their proxy war, supplying Afghanistan with arms.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type deal

nothing new here

people have been getting in bed with less than savory types for mutual benefit since the beginning of time
And at what point did he become a terromerizer enemy of 'murika instead of a CIA employee?

Think about it, he has been there for the last decade to polarize our imperialist sentiment at 9/11, act as justification for the invasions and subsequent occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan, and now that we "found him in Pakistan". We're all set to swoop in there and "elimernate the terrrist threat".

If you ask me, OBL has done more to advance the cause of imperialist America than anyone else in recent history. It's no coincidence that Osama Bin Laden is like Visa, everywhere we want to be.