Random Celerity Thought Generator

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Little Richard and Don Johnson have NEVER been in the same room together. Coincidence ?
amanda tapping!!! fapfapfap

Fun Celerity Fact #78:

Celerity used to date Dido.

Then she left him for Æneas. He left her to pursue a gig in Rome. The love triangle lead her to commit suicide. Celerity went on to fulfill several dates with Claire Dane's roommate.
Did you ever actually watch Sabato Gigante ?

That's some SURREAL shit right there. I should have been spanish, because I totally get those jokes and situations.

It's like everyday when I'm singing that some dire looking clown is behind me with a HUGE foam ice cream bar, with a fake baseball bat - he HITS ME, and I stop singing so that a real celebrity can come in and start singing, then the band interrupts him, and I run up to him and make him wear a half-hat (which is 40% of the surreality here) and then he sings again, someone makes some show-stopping comment about Disney, the clown escorts a lovely lady out on his arm to sing the song AGAIN as a duet, the Clown starts to make fun of how fat the first singer is, I jump in and sing in his absence, then the clown breaks out with this fuckin horn and starts blowing it - the crowd goes silent. Then the announcer starts going over the show sponsors while the 5 characters all start line dancing.

Then it's time to talk about PC Virus Protection.

I am actually not making this up, I'm transcribing EXACTLY what I see.
I can make out most of the Spanish, but like most languages.. I have to slow shit down big time to get the whole thing.
Did you know that if you put KFC mac and cheez on your fork, and shake it no more than 9 times, the cheez comes off cleanly ? It leaves clean, cooked pasta behind.

If you do this to the whole bucket, you're left with enough cheez to put it back in the whiz can !
So wait a sec. Full Metal Alchemist, he draws pentagrams and shit on the floor and fixes thing ?

What the ever living fuck is this ?