Getting wisdom teeth removed

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I let mine grow in (No insurance, just sucked up the pain) and now I have 2 teeth that face forward. My wisdom teeth grew in and there is no room.

The good news is that they pushed my gap closed up front, the bad news is that they are still there, and I clean them out with a special toothbrush that looks like a pipe cleaner.
I had mine out my senior year... it wasnt that bad I suppose.... got some badass pain killers. I had to get mine out otherwise they would have messed up my straight teeth.
naturally i only have one.
its some kind of defect [the good kind

the one i do have is on the bottom left and its growing in just a tad tilted...

HA FU guys!
Milk shakes and you just got your wisdom teeth removed?? No wonder you had dry sockets...

I had all 4 of mine surgically cut out... hurt like a bitch, but the vicodin made everything better :) I got dry socket once when drinking through a straw, but nothing serious... just a little blood.

My gf spoon fed me. :)
My story is pretty funny.

I had my braces out by my sophomore year in high school. Got the wisdoms out freshman year of college. They hadn't quite broken the skin, but they were a little impacted, so my dentist suggested I get them taken out. (I have the BEST dentist EVER, no joke.) Went to the surgeon for a look-see and then maybe a week later was the actual appointment. When I was sitting in the chair, they hooked me up to the pulse monitor while I was reading a magazine, and my resting pulse rate was already 50-something. They hooked me up to an IV (I told them to put me out completely) and when I started relaxing the machine started beeping like crazy so they had to unplug it. :lol: The procedure was quick and when I woke up, I was so fucked up on the drugs (a mixture of some cousins of valium and morphine), I think I just stared blankly the whole way home.

Fast forward past a nap, and some fluid ingestion, and I woke up feeling amazing. I drank an entire bottle of Gatorade and then ran up the stairs to the kitchen where I started drinking some more water. According to my mom and my sister, I made a weird moaning noise and slumped forward and out of my chair in the kitchen. I woke up as the paramedics were coming up the stairs. I declined the ride to the hospital in the ambulance, so my parents took me. Upon exiting the car, I threw up all the water and gatorade, as well as the soup I had eaten, and 4 neat little blood clots about an inch long. GREAT, now I had 4 dry sockets.

The paramedic who came in to hook me up to a saline IV was a complete moron. He jammed the needle in my left arm and then I heard him say, "Aww shit. Here man, hold this towel real quick. I found a better vein." So I hold the towel on my arm as he pulls out the needle. So he sticks it into my right arm instead. Now, my veins are defined enough that I could stick myself without restricting the blood flow at all, so I don't know what his problem was. When the towel came off, it had a blood spot about 3 inches in diameter.

So I spent the rest of the day in the hospital taking in fluids, and the whole time I was napping and thinking about how much of a waste of time it was. Of course I was dehydrated. I could drink water and be fine, and I learned my lesson not to spring up off the couch and then run up two flights of stairs. My mouth never hurt either. (I've had dental work done since I was around 7 [first tooth pulled] and it's never hurt. Orthodontic stuff never bothered me either.) I think I get it from my dad, he's had teeth drilled with no anesthesia. I ate steak that night. And the next day I sold my full bottle of vicodin to my roommate for $15. :lol:

Ahhh, pills make it all better now. I couldn't walk earlier because the impact of my feet hitting the ground would hurt my jaw =( he has them out now...i dunno if mine will be happening so soon...i may be switching to a new ill have to wait for that insurance to kick in i guess...blah...i dont want it done...but i know it needs to be i want it to hurry up and be over