wisdom teeth - diet

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Breakfast smoothie:

by weight - 4 oz. Each:

fruit juice of choice
vanilla soy milk

make sure all fruit is pre frozen. I buy IQF bags from the store. The night before put the fruits in your blender container. Add the liquid then stash in the fridge. The next morning blend for a great smoothie. I drink one for breakfast everyday.
yeah that sounds good.

it's looking like my shopping list is containing:

mixed frozen fruit
vanilla soy milk
cranberry/pomegranatie or strawberry juice
apple sauces
freeze pops/popsicles
chicken soup/broth/etc
cottage cheese
ensure/slimfast/shake things
instant mashed potatoes (not going to want to cook/wait while i'm hurting)


mouth dropper syringe thingy
2-bags of frozen peas (for swelling)

i'm gonna lose 20 lbs :( lol
Watch out for Dry Socket. I had that when I got mine cut out. Hurt like a BITCH! then they will have to pack the hole with a medicated gauze until it heals properly, and when they take that gauze out it is the nastiest thing in the word.
Pussies. All of you....

All I can say is "military hospital" and "4 month wait for removal" and "bottom teeth impacted." I was so happy to have those teeth come out that I was actually smiling afterwards.

I went out drinking that night. Port and Pizza ftw. Back to normal that next morning.
My sister got hers done recently and all I can remember is she couldn't even eat spaghetti-ohs the first day she was in so much pain. She had to blend it up, man was that shit nasty.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be just fine and can handle a lot more pain than her.

Another reason not to smoke! Watch out for that dry socket.
god there are a lot of wusses on this board.

Just eat pizza. Christ.
My sister pickles, not me. Quit being a douche. Everyone has different levels of sensetivity to pain.
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I was on a normal diet after I got my yanked too... never really did the ice cream/ soft stuff diet..
Don't smoke right away, dry socket can suck. I ate Macaroni and cheese and apple sauce for the first day. Then pasta and meat. Remember to ice it. I did not and the swelling sucked. I was in more pain than I should have been.
I did chicken noodle soup the first day, then regular stuff from there out. Of course, I didn't go chomping on steak and taffy for a couple of days, but it wasn't too bad. The pain isn't that bad.. you'll be fine.
Watch out for soy milk, its a laxative. Don't drink to much.

I'm also lactose intolerant and I found out its a laxative the hard way.
i don't smoke any more, so that's not an issue. and i'm aware of soy milk. yeah, its not dairy, but it still cleans ya out too :)
Shit tastes like liquid peanuts to me. They shouldn't call it milk.