Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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4700 away from level 80. I think I will prestige at least once.

Told ya! :D

Like I said though, prestiging in this one seems easier than MW2. The support streaks and the fact that you can destroy turrets and air support to add to your streak now really helps in generating XP. I'm already prestige 2 level 50...
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I prestiged right off the bat, at level 4 and decided to call it a night.
So I really like the combo of an SMG, machine pistols, Extreme Conditioning, and Steady Aim. These maps seem pretty suited for it, seeing as even on the larger ones, there's plenty of side passages and whatnot that you can travel through to get around without opening yourself up to snipers and AR users at range. I basically never ADS, always just hip fire. Second perk could be whatever, but I like Hardline, especially if you get the pro version and then use Recon Drone. Every two assists will count as a kill towards your streak, so if you can get a decent amount of tags, you can earn massive XP. Good shit...
there is unprecedented amounts of rage over dual FMG9 + steady aim. its pretty much unstoppable lol. i use it from time to time, its very effective, at pretty much any range. higher rate of fire than any other combo and does more damage than anything else. if you want to see how over powered it is, take that setup against a juggernaut, he will be dead before you have to reload lol.
there is unprecedented amounts of rage over dual FMG9 + steady aim. its pretty much unstoppable lol. i use it from time to time, its very effective, at pretty much any range. higher rate of fire than any other combo and does more damage than anything else. if you want to see how over powered it is, take that setup against a juggernaut, he will be dead before you have to reload lol.

Yeah, I've been using the shit out of that combo, lol. There was a time when I used to try and have principles when playing CoD (no camping, no cheap weapons or loadouts, etc.). Now I just don't really give a crap anymore. Everybody else is rocking the cheap stuff, so I might as well do it too so I can compete. And if you're a halfway decent player than you'll kick ass using over-powered weapons, so it's all the more fun. Whenever I use my SMG/ExtremeConditioning/SteadyAim + dual FMG9s class I'll typically rack up 20-30 kills in a TDM or Kill Confirmed game.

I still refuse to camp, but mostly just because I find it boring...
One thing that slightly annoys me about MW3 though is that they nerfed the grenade launcher so bad that it's practically useless now. It takes either a direct hit or a very, very close hit to result in a kill. If it takes two grenades for a kill, then I don't see the point in using it, since reloading the tube takes longer than it does to just mow someone down with bullets.

I think simply removing Danger Close and not allowing Scavenger to refill launchers was plenty enough to combat the chronic noob tubers. The tube used to be an effective anti-camping weapon, but now it's just another annoying attachment to finish challenges for...
Am I going to be the first to finish the achievements on here? All I have left to do is buy everything from the weaponry armory in Survival Spec Ops, and get the last 6 stars on the Mission Spec Ops.
play hardcore you wont have that problem

Yeah, I just can't seem to get in to hardcore. I always try, but I always find it to be such a camp fest. And I also don't like how you don't get a notification on screen when you kill someone. Not that a I NEED the big arcade style "100 XP!" popping up to make the game worth playing, but when there's absolutely nothing I often find myself wasting bullets on corpses...
Am I going to be the first to finish the achievements on here? All I have left to do is buy everything from the weaponry armory in Survival Spec Ops, and get the last 6 stars on the Mission Spec Ops.

probably... I don't play too much..
Yeah, I just can't seem to get in to hardcore. I always try, but I always find it to be such a camp fest. And I also don't like how you don't get a notification on screen when you kill someone. Not that a I NEED the big arcade style "100 XP!" popping up to make the game worth playing, but when there's absolutely nothing I often find myself wasting bullets on corpses...

It tells you when you kill someone, and who killed you. It just doesn't pop up right in the middle of the screen. (which Ironically I find annoying when I'm hunting people)
Am I going to be the first to finish the achievements on here? All I have left to do is buy everything from the weaponry armory in Survival Spec Ops, and get the last 6 stars on the Mission Spec Ops.

Probably. I don't think I've ever finished all of the achievements on any CoD game...
Probably. I don't think I've ever finished all of the achievements on any CoD game...

Really? I finished COD4 after 3 years (that damned mile high club), WaW after about 1.5 years (It's not 100% all achievements, but the campaign is 100%), and MW2 after maybe 7 months of play.

Only one I have to get back into is Black Ops. I just can't get through it for some reason, on the other hand I beat MW3 on veteran in about 10 hours the weekend I bought it.
Ok. Finally went through the game and its various parts. I know its irrelevant, but why do the menus feel like theyre out of an early 2000s game? The just look unpolished and way out dated. Like an early Madden or something. Graphics are kinda shitty too. :shrug2:

I finished the story the night I got it, I liked it. Kinda short but not bad at all. I was ready to move to multiplayer anyway.

Haaaaaaated it at first. Again, I never played MW2 so its was a big shock for me. (And I havent even touched black ops in a good month+) Again graphics looked pretty cheap. Menus are in the same boat. Didnt like the layout. BUT, after a good hour Id say its grown on me. I like the new game modes and find myself playing Kill Confirmed and now Team Defender more than anything. I dont remember if you could play hardcore off the bat in Blops but I dont like that you cant in this one though I was getting owned anyway at first. After a few hours Im at level 23 I think, and Im finding myself getting upper teens kills wise. With a usual KDR of around 1-1.5.

Im loving the UMP (level 18 IIRC), and trying to work the SCAR in there too. Using Blind Eye, Quick Draw, and either Marksman or Stalker. Kick on the UMP with rapid fire. Killer setup but I hate that I have to use my USP or MP9 a lot just to unlock supressors and such. Pretty lame. But idk if they level faster than primaries. That would make it better.
You couldn't play hardcore on any COD game right off the bat, ever. :)

I'm currently getting all the attachments for my pistols. I finished with the usp, p99 and mp412. Currently gettin some cheap shots out there with the magnum. Pretty fun when I come up behind people and pop them once in the back with it.

I am kind of disappointed that they don't have harcore HQ on here, I tried playing regular HQ and it wasn't too bad, but it's not hardcore. I've been sticking to HCKC with a little TDM and S&D in there when I get bored. I just like game types where there is no delay to spawning, so I don't play too much TDM.
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Ok. Finally went through the game and its various parts. I know its irrelevant, but why do the menus feel like theyre out of an early 2000s game? The just look unpolished and way out dated. Like an early Madden or something. Graphics are kinda shitty too. :shrug2:

Again graphics looked pretty cheap. Menus are in the same boat. Didnt like the layout.

See, that's the thing about CoD. Maybe since Black Ops was your first foray in to the CoD world you were expecting a new game to look leaps and bounds better than the last one, but that's not really the way CoD rolls. They've been using the same out-dated graphics engine since CoD4 (which is the one that really introduced the online multi-player component that everyone is so into today). They make minor improvements and tweaks with each new release, but it never looks much different than the previous game in the series, and honestly it never will until they build or lease a new graphics engine to work with. And I really doubt that they will until we start seeing the next generation of consoles being released (which apparently isn't too far off).

With that being said though, give it some time and you might start to appreciate it more. Yes, it's basically just Black Ops re-skinned, but they actually did do a fair amount of polishing on this turd. Textures on walls look more detailed than ever before, and smoke and water effects look pretty damn good. And the amount of detail on the weapons and the way that light reflects off of them is pretty impressive as well. Yes, it's still the same old CoD, but this is honestly the best it's ever looked...