Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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I do agree with you on the menus though. I thought Black Ops had a much slicker presentation.

One benefit to sticking with the older engine is that the game runs at a pretty consistent 60 fps (lag not withstanding), so it looks very smooth and fluid in motion. Battlefield 3's graphics may look slightly better, but on the consoles it only runs at 30 fps, so not quite as smooth...
Werd. Theyre looking a little better to me as time goes on. But IDK, I think theyve reached the limit on this engine. I did notice the smoke and water and was impressed with that, but on the whole, just a new set of maps and modes. haha

Im up to level 38 now. Played last night and wanted to go until I unlocked the P90. Heard good things about it, but it'll be hard to surpass my UMP and SCAR as favorites so we'll see. Maxed out the UMP (attatchment wise, still a couple to go til gold) so Im working on the SCAR now. Im really liking it with a suppressor and red dot/ACOG. But (Marathon equivelent) is a must for the assault rifles on this it seems so Ive modified my Perks accordingly.
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Im gonna take a little time off. If youre on in an hour or so Ill join ya.
i'm on now.. probably be on and off till 230pst.. i take 5 min breaks frequently, if im not in a party
Werd. Theyre looking a little better to me as time goes on. But IDK, I think theyve reached the limit on this engine. I did notice the smoke and water and was impressed with that, but on the whole, just a new set of maps and modes. haha

Yeah, that's pretty much all CoD ever is, lol. And yet we shell out $60 for it every year anyway. It's basically just a question of what new weapons/perks/killstreaks/modes/etc. they're going to add in, and not whether the game's going to get a complete overhaul or not...

Im up to level 38 now. Played last night and wanted to go until I unlocked the P90. Heard good things about it, but it'll be hard to surpass my UMP and SCAR as favorites so we'll see. Maxed out the UMP (attatchment wise, still a couple to go til gold) so Im working on the SCAR now. Im really liking it with a suppressor and red dot/ACOG. But (Marathon equivelent) is a must for the assault rifles on this it seems so Ive modified my Perks accordingly.

I'm not really a big fan of the SCAR. The recoil seems weird to me. It pulls up, and on some guns that's okay because it results in unintended head shots, but to me it seems like the SCAR does it too much. I hate using sights on it too, and I hate that it has a small clip. I usually just stick with the irons and use a silencer or extended mags instead.

I'm nearing the end of second prestige and I just finished the SCAR and the PP90M (or something like that). Got gold camo and 1,000 kills on both. I try to completely finish one assault rifle and one SMG every prestige.

So you use Extreme Conditioning on your assault rifle class? I usually save that for SMG and shotgun classes where I want to be able to quickly get right in their faces. Pair it with Steady Aim and that's a pretty killer setup. For assault rifles I usually use Sleight of Hand, Quickdraw and Stalker. The assault rifles have more range than the SMGs, so you don't need to be as close. And having the quick draw time helps win battles when you're going ADS to pick people off from a distance...
OMG, FMG9 Akimbo destroys fools.. lol.. i run that on my sniper class for when i feel like moving.. SoH Pro, Assassin Pro, Steady Aim w/ Dragonov ACOG
Yea I ended up doin stuff so I never got on. My b. I do get headshot with it a lot. lol Also somehwere along the line (while not playing oddly enough) I actually learned some good trigger control and Im bursting my weapons affectively. I like running around all day and with ARs I cant do it without EC. And I just started leveling the SCAR so I dont have a lot of attatchments yet. Ive gotten some really nice accross the map headshots using the ACOG/Marksman. :D Im still feeling all the classes out til I find my groove. Remember, this will only be night 3 for me on MW3. :lol:
"Purchase all items from the Survival Weapon Armory" - 20 G

I tried to do this last night. I went through everything and bought every single gun, and every single attachment, and this still didn't open. Trying to figure out what the hell I missed.
Nope. Over several different games I got everything from the air support and explosives armories. I'm going to try again tonight, I methodically went through each set of guns.
I did it! I apparently never bought the AK47. lol

All I have left is getting the rest of the spec ops stars (5 more), and get 3 more survivals to wave 15.
Is it just me or is Spec Ops Survival easier than Zombies? I can barely crack Level 10 on Zombies most of the time, but me and my brother got to Level 30 on Survival the other day...
could be that weapons and ammo are more readily available.. plus there is more room to run if you need to
Is it just me or is Spec Ops Survival easier than Zombies? I can barely crack Level 10 on Zombies most of the time, but me and my brother got to Level 30 on Survival the other day...

could be that weapons and ammo are more readily available.. plus there is more room to run if you need to

^This. I can make it to level 23 on the first survival (on resistance) by myself easily.
Im really glad I actually uploaded all my Mt. Dew caps ha ha. I blew through 3 or 4 levels tonight in about an hour and a half.
Im only at level 52 so Im gonna wait til they start to slow down to punch them in (I know they expire in a few weeks, should be there pretty soon though.) Is the 2X immediate or can you choose to use it sometime after youve loaded it?
I'm going to accumulate as much as I can before December 31st and then load it in. I'm already at Prestige 2, level 80, so I'm moving right along even without Double XP...