Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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I thought it all expired on the 31st. Used or not. If thats the case I'll just wait a little longer too. Hell, I might even prestige for once. I havent played in a couple days but I think I took it up another 5 or so last time. I've got 4hrs loaded in ready to go so far, and I could really go for some Doritos right now. ;)
I thought it all expired on the 31st. Used or not. If thats the case I'll just wait a little longer too. Hell, I might even prestige for once. I havent played in a couple days but I think I took it up another 5 or so last time. I've got 4hrs loaded in ready to go so far, and I could really go for some Doritos right now. ;)

No, I don't think it will expire if you actually apply it to your gamer-tag. If you just let it sit in the website past the 31st I think it will expire. Could be wrong, but I doubt they would actually go in to your XBL or PSN account and take it away. I mean, I'm sure they want people buying Mt. Dew and Doritos right up until the last possible minute...
Who has two thumbs and only has one achievement left to get on MW3?

<- This Guy.
Ah I meant used like put in the system, not applied to your account. So you're saying you're gonna wait to apply it til the 31st, then you're just gonna be doubled up til it runs out. I'll most likely be near enough to 80 before then that I'll just use it.
Ah I meant used like put in the system, not applied to your account. So you're saying you're gonna wait to apply it til the 31st, then you're just gonna be doubled up til it runs out. I'll most likely be near enough to 80 before then that I'll just use it.

Yup. Are you prestiging? Or are you stopping at 80? Cuz yeah, if you're stopping at 80, then use it now. I'm going to keep prestiging, so even if I'm near 80 when I use it, that should be fine because it should carry over in to my next prestige...
I might go ahead and do it, but idk. I like that I can keep a weapon so that's a plus. Does that weapon stay maxed out too? If it does I'd be even more inclined to do so. I'd probably keep the ACR since the UMP is already available and quick to level.
I might go ahead and do it, but idk. I like that I can keep a weapon so that's a plus. Does that weapon stay maxed out too? If it does I'd be even more inclined to do so. I'd probably keep the ACR since the UMP is already available and quick to level.

No, unfortunately it doesn't stay leveled up. For me, that's not a big issue though, because there's usually only one or two attachments per weapon that I actually use anyway, and usually they're not the ones that require a lot of leveling (like silencer, rapid fire, etc.).

One thing about prestiging that's cool though, is that it opens up a whole new set of kill and head-shot challenges for every weapon that don't reset when you prestige. So if you actually want to completely, 100% finish the challenges for a weapon then you should prestige at least once. Prestiging also opens up a "Prestige" category of challenges which are kind of like the "Lifetime" challenges in Black Ops.

I'll probably just keep prestiging all the way until 10th personally. I have favorite weapons, but I like to experiment with different ones too. Each prestige I pick two new weapons and finish the challenges for them so that I can get the emblems and call-signs. In future prestiges I will probably want to work on stuff that's not unlocked until higher level, so for those I'll just go back and work on the prestige challenges for guns that I already used before until I unlock the new ones.

I like using different weapons and setups. I think it makes me a better player if I'm good with a wide range of weaponry and perks...
anyone else having trouble playing right now.. servers are down or something.. once i can join a match, next i cant.. next server error.. :lame:
yeah there down they added hc ricochet to all game types and added a few new games like drop zone
same here ive been waiting on that since release date. just watch out for boosters now, there will be no way to stop them lol
Just hit 80. Still on the fence about prestiging but leaning towards no. :) There is so much I can still work at with leveling weapons and all that I know I won't get bored. Didn't in black ops either though.
just picked up a couple 12 pack of Dew.. lol. 1.5hrs of double xp time
I'm Prestige 3, Level 60 now. Probably hit 80 again this weekend. I just can't imagine NOT prestiging, lol. Once that XP starts going towards nothing I start losing interest.

Maybe I should quit though. Lot of good games out right now (Uncharted 3, Batman, Skyrim, etc.). Don't want to waste all of my time on CoD...
Sigh... Youre not paying attention. :p Like I said you can max out all your weapons and everything else. Your XP goes to that. Prestiging means you kind of lose that ability, or if you do it, its still all for not as they reset anyway. You like to try out new weapons, and I can do that as I choose. I dont have to wait to unlock them again. Haha

MW3 made it to where peoplecan keep interested without having to Prestige. Theres kind of no point anymore as it doesnt really get you anything. I can gold any gun any time, why would I need double XP if Im not prestiging, etc. Its been reduced to silly new emblems that dont mean squat anyway.
thats what it always been anyway really, besides gold gun camo, what else did it earn you in blops

i'm only to level 73
been playing mostly free for all with the .50/acog and the .44 mag
i enjoy it for the challenge, but i'm lucky if i get 15 kills, or half whatever the leader has
I might as well go all the way up. Once I prestige, I hit the double game xp for two hours. Within those two hours of game play I usually go from 1-6 in one game, then 6-20. Every prestige I've worked on maxing out all the pistols, and so far I've hit level 30 with the M4, and I'm only around 46ish on this prestige.
Sigh... Youre not paying attention. :p Like I said you can max out all your weapons and everything else. Your XP goes to that. Prestiging means you kind of lose that ability, or if you do it, its still all for not as they reset anyway. You like to try out new weapons, and I can do that as I choose. I dont have to wait to unlock them again. Haha

MW3 made it to where peoplecan keep interested without having to Prestige. Theres kind of no point anymore as it doesnt really get you anything. I can gold any gun any time, why would I need double XP if Im not prestiging, etc. Its been reduced to silly new emblems that dont mean squat anyway.

Well, there's regular XP and then weapon XP. Regular XP doesn't do jack once you finish rank 80. Yeah, you can continue working on weapon challenges, but that's no different than any past CoD game, now they just assigned a secondary XP system to it instead of just basing it off of kills and attachment use.

Actually though, you WON'T be able to completely max out weapon challenges if you don't prestige at least once. Once you prestige they add another set of kill and head-shot challenges to every weapon, plus they add a whole other tier of "prestige" challenges. So I feel like everyone should prestige at least once, because that's the only way that 100% of the game's challenges will become available to you. I can totally understand choosing not to prestige all the way until 10 though...