Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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I might as well go all the way up. Once I prestige, I hit the double game xp for two hours. Within those two hours of game play I usually go from 1-6 in one game, then 6-20. Every prestige I've worked on maxing out all the pistols, and so far I've hit level 30 with the M4, and I'm only around 46ish on this prestige.

And you said you weren't going to prestige at all! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist... :D
thats what it always been anyway really, besides gold gun camo, what else did it earn you in blops

i'm only to level 73
been playing mostly free for all with the .50/acog and the .44 mag
i enjoy it for the challenge, but i'm lucky if i get 15 kills, or half whatever the leader has

Haha, you do love your Free-For-All...
I mean maxing them out level wise. Im not an achievment whore. :ph34r: I guess I could see prestiging once just to do it. But, meh, a lot of work for little to no gain for me personally.
I 31nd the m4 last night. Started the scar and next thing I know I have it to level 16. Lol
I haven't found any of the weapons to be hard to get to 20+ with just a night or twos worth of playing. It's that last long ass level that's time consuming.
Did anyone else get the "Christmas Present"? I had a prestige token and 2 hours of double xp when I logged on today...
I think it was just for Elite members. My brother didn't get anything...
Ha thats what I figured. Forza sent out extra cars to the VIP members. I was gonna say that i figured it would be the same.
I haven't found any of the weapons to be hard to get to 20+ with just a night or twos worth of playing. It's that last long ass level that's time consuming.

Level 31 takes FOREVER to get to. Even level 30 goes by fairly quickly, hitting 31 takes a good few games.

Before I prestiged my type 95 and ACR were golden guns. I'm working on my getting a golden sniper this time.

I'm not sure about anyone else, but everytime I see someone with a golden shotgun, I think my god what a camping faggot. Some of the shotguns are just way too powerful I think.
watch out what sniper rifle you choose
i hit level 30 (3500 xp) with the barrett .50 and level 31 was fucking 89,800 weapon xp.

rolled onto my first prestige last night
used my 2 tokens for the .44 mag and the portable radar that doesn't get unlocked until level 76 or some shit.
the ump45, and the barrett .50 are my standard weapons for now.
waiting for the specialist package to unlock at level 27? and the pp901 or whatever that gun was.
started using it at the end of my prestige since i saw so many higher level guys running it, and i was really starting to like it.
Aren't all weapons 89k for gold? A sniper rifle would take forever! Especially for those who don't/can't quick scope. lol I've got my gold UMP. ACR isn't far behind. It would have been there a while ago but I've started using the MP7(?) a whole lot. Scar is probably pretty close too. I've been switching it up a lot. Starting to run and gun the striker. If you get range on it or the model 1897 they are fuckin deadly!
maybe it is the same for every weapon, i was just shocked to see the jump from 3500 or 3800 to 89k
i got about 1/3 or 1/2 of the way there before i prestiged.
i got the gold camp on the ump, i remember it took a while
it just comes natural if its your standard use gun, but if you're holding out for the gold you better start checking all the weapon challenges to see what you can finish for more weapon xp
I think they're all 89,500 for gold, I remember it taking two days worth of playing to get the M4 there.
both of my controllers are fucked up, I had maybe two decent games on hc domination. the team captured A just as I put a pred missile on them, ended up getting 5 kills plus an extra 50 points per kill.