Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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well, when I can get two kills and go from Level 2 to level 5 from those two kills, I'll use it right off the bat so I can get up to levels with decent guns.
I just finished a game with a total xp of 55,103. I think I did 12 challenges that game... lol
If I was prestiging Id be moving along pretty well. I had a 30k-ish XP game the other day with no double XP and only two challenges. :lol: Its happened a few times before. Thats the only time I kick myself for not prestiging. But because I switch up weapons so much I hit the high milestones way after Id hit level 80 anyway. So I guess it still doesnt make a difference.
got the xbox hooked up to my 2nd monitor at work
the hdmi to dvi connection from monoprice works great
unfortunately the only sound i have is game chat, cant figure out a bootleg way to get sound on the headset.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but everytime I see someone with a golden shotgun, I think my god what a camping faggot. Some of the shotguns are just way too powerful I think.

Really? The only shotgun I feel is over-powered is the Striker. All the pump action guns are horrible, and the AA-12 uses up it's ammo so fast that it's not that great. Yeah, you could maybe get some cheap shotgun kills camping with Assassin, but rushing with any of them besides the Striker is not easy...
2 more maps to go on Survival and done w/ that..
Really? The only shotgun I feel is over-powered is the Striker. All the pump action guns are horrible, and the AA-12 uses up it's ammo so fast that it's not that great. Yeah, you could maybe get some cheap shotgun kills camping with Assassin, but rushing with any of them besides the Striker is not easy...

Striker and the 1887s with range is ridiculous. I still don't like how shotguns are primaries, but I missed having the blue tiger shotguns from COD4.

Edit: Just run the AA12 with scavenger, sure you load ammo slower, but you have limitless ammunition.
Striker and the 1887s with range is ridiculous. I still don't like how shotguns are primaries, but I missed having the blue tiger shotguns from COD4.

Edit: Just run the AA12 with scavenger, sure you load ammo slower, but you have limitless ammunition.

Yeah, the shotguns are much better with range. I just wish that they had made it a lower proficiency. It's annoying having to grind a shotgun for a long time just to make it competitive when you can just pick up an AR and do good with it right away...
i see a lot of people running the striker as a run and gun type class
i really hate that fucking gun

I haven't tried it yet. I'll get around to it someday. I played with the SPAS and the AA-12 a bit and got frustrated with both.

I really haven't played much CoD at all lately between Uncharted 3 and Skyrim. I think I'll keep it that way too. I'm already 4th prestige. At this rate I'm going to tear through most of the game before any of the DLC even comes out...
I'm running xbox on my 22" monitor if anyone wants to get some game time in.
CTF or kill confirmed?
I'm raping with the G36 suddenly. Had a couple of great games yesterday. This is the first gun I've found where I can use the ACOG and it actually seems to work pretty well.
I'm raping with the G36 suddenly. Had a couple of great games yesterday. This is the first gun I've found where I can use the ACOG and it actually seems to work pretty well.

I've been meaning to use that gun, just haven't gotten to it yet. I've just been working my way through all the assault rifles and SMGs and getting the 1,000 kills and proficiency emblems and call-signs. Currently working on the CM901...
I work on different guns through my prestiges. maxed out the m4 last time, the scar before that, and this time I worked on the UMP, MP5, P90 and now the G36C. Not to mention all the pistols, too.
I work on different guns through my prestiges. maxed out the m4 last time, the scar before that, and this time I worked on the UMP, MP5, P90 and now the G36C. Not to mention all the pistols, too.

That's what I do too. And now that I'm getting to the guns that aren't unlocked until higher levels I start out with guns that I've already finished like the MP5, UMP45, and M4 and work on the Prestige challenges until I unlock whatever gun I want for that Prestige.

Talking about it makes me want to play, but I can't seem to tear myself away from Skyrim at the moment, lol...
Said fuck it, started working on the AA12. Got it up to the Blue camo and almost finished off the MP9 while I was at it.

Edit: after I prestiged, anyway. :ph34r: It's like crack, I can't stop prestiging.
i'm up to level 76 or 77 on my 1st prestige, might be able to roll over tonight
should have brought the xbox to work today.
this prestige i was working through the submachine guns, trying to hit those extra 10k xp for the guns and then move on to the next one
i really like the CTF and run and gun game play, but if i just played defense i would get more kills, better k/d ration, and rank up faster
the pp901 with rapid fire is by far my favorite gun

so whats the best rifle to use in mw3, i ran the scar, cm901, g36, etc
didn't really find one that i loved as much as the commando in blops
i love the FAD, RDS, n00b t00b.. was raping at HC: KC a little bit ago.. playing right now if anyone wants to kill some motherfuckers.. lol