Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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i'm up to level 76 or 77 on my 1st prestige, might be able to roll over tonight
should have brought the xbox to work today.
this prestige i was working through the submachine guns, trying to hit those extra 10k xp for the guns and then move on to the next one
i really like the CTF and run and gun game play, but if i just played defense i would get more kills, better k/d ration, and rank up faster
the pp901 with rapid fire is by far my favorite gun

so whats the best rifle to use in mw3, i ran the scar, cm901, g36, etc
didn't really find one that i loved as much as the commando in blops

I really enjoyed the g36 with acog. I usually hate the acog, but it worked really well for me on that gun. also, the ak was pretty damn good. finished that one this prestige too.
i toyed with the AK a bit, shit seems to be all over the place.
probably needs kick added on to it in a serious way.
i tried the fad also and it sucked donkey balls, prob isn't so hot right out of the box.
the only downside to mw3 i guess is you have to level up the weapons to see if you really like it or not.
if i'm gonna use single fire i'd rather the barrett .50 with speed and acog
i might have to give it a try though, on your recommendation
i toyed with the AK a bit, shit seems to be all over the place.
probably needs kick added on to it in a serious way.
i tried the fad also and it sucked donkey balls, prob isn't so hot right out of the box.
the only downside to mw3 i guess is you have to level up the weapons to see if you really like it or not.

I do tend to use kick until I open up more than the attachment proficiency, then i switch to that and work on two attachment challenges at once.
Oh, btw, TIL that the FiveSeveN is made by FN, and was made to be a companion backup side arm to the P90. It even fires the same round. I think I found my new Run 'n' Gun class.

FN Five-seven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

P90/attachment/Rapid Fire/Silencer + FiveseveN/Akimbo + Marathon + Quickdraw + Steady Aim
Anyone? :)
i still like my .44mag for my secondary
fastest gun to switch to, lowest recoil of the revolvers, and you just need to make 2 out of 6 stick, and i fire off all 6 real fast. perfect for when i run out of ammo in a gun fight with the primary, then it usually only takes 1 hit for the knockdown if i was hitting anything with the primary
FiveseveN = highest magazine capacity. You can fire off all six of your rounds and miss me, meanwhile I take out you and three of your buddies with my FiveseveN. :)
i smell a challenge
might need some head to head handgun only games

is the 5-7 the last handgun to be unlocked? and is that the one you use with juggernaut?
Edit: no it isn't the last one... lol It goes USP, P99, MP412, .44 magnum, FiveseveN, Desert Eagle. Only time I've ever used with juggernaut was my beloved USP.
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Anytime! except for tomorrow night. I think it'll be fun. Pistols only, the pistol of your choosing with any attachment?
lmao Went home for lunch and decided to play a few games. Get on one of the maps using the striker with range and grip running marathon pro, assassin pro and steady aim pro. Went 49-24. lmao Game ends and some little bitch kid told everyone to report me for having a modded controller and cheating "cause I was lighting them up from 20+ feet away with the shotgun that is supposed to be semi-automatic." Ended up with red camo on it, and opened up the extended magazines after that game. :)
I almost played yesterday. Almost. Thought about it several times, lol. I kind of want to just save some of this for later, because I'm already 4th prestige and none of the DLC has even hit yet. I suppose I could just stick around at the end of a prestige for a while...
Supposed to drop some in the next week or two (for Elite Premium members. :bs: )
I honestly hadnt even thought about getting more maps til I saw that announcement.
Honestly, I like the AK A LOT more in this game than I did in 2. It's really easy to rank up if you just run it naked with sleight of hand, assassin and steady aim. I started it wednesday night, played 3 hours last night and it's already up to rank 24 with the blue camo on it. By comparison, my M16 is only up to level 18.

Edit: Also, am I the only one who thinks blue and red camo look so much better than the autumn? I think it should go autumn, blue, red for the unlock levels. I rarely even use the autumn.
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:werd: .. kinda defeats the purpose.. lol

on another note.. COD fail.. lol

but they predominantly show Android devices.. lol