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is smokig weed on a daily basis as bad as alcohol?

  • no!

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  • its not bad but if you need it then, yes&#

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I smoked weed and ciggarettes for 5 years. The best thing I ever did was to quit smoking.

Why do you smoke it? OR, Why did you start?

I started from peer pressure. I quit on my own, bc I didnt want to dissapoint any of my family, friends, or girlfriends.

Getting high just isnt worth everybody you love thinking you are a peice of shit.

(of course its different if you smoke with your family....but how the fuck can you keep a job when you smoke weed? Do they not do drug tests?)
i was FIRMLY anti any drugs for a long long time...
i didn't touch anything until i was 21-ish? or late 20...
then i thought to myself, why am i judging all these people when i have never even tried "weed"...
so i tried it, and i liked it...
and i went from being HATE filled and wanting everyone dead to the complete opposite... it mellowed me out A LOT...

and i still graduated with a bachelors in 4 fucking years, still have a full time+ job... work as an accountant and i'm still looking to sit for the CPA...

i don't cause problems for anyone and i fulfill all my work and social requirments...
pay my taxes, obey the laws...
and i smoke once a day everyday, after work and right before dinner...
its just part of my routine...
I was never pressured into smoking it. I used to chill with a lot of people when I was 13-14 and they smoked a lot of weed. They never came up to me telling me to smoke it. I'd be there and they'd be smoking, ask me if I want to smoke, I'd say no and it would be the end of it.

One day I said fuck it and smoked and liked it, i don't have a consisent habit of smoking. It's just a spur of the moment thing and if I have it. I don't usually go out looking for it.
if I wasnt on probation i'd be high right now....so no, pot isnt bad

getting intoxicated is part of life. wether its pot, beer, etc. since the beginning of time people and animals have strived to get "loopy". anyone everthink of why you spin in
cicles when you were a kid??? to get dizzy and be in a different place. sounds like being intoxicated to me. think about it, its a release now matter how you get there.
I smoke every day, both pot and cigs. I have 2 jobs, i work from 8am - 4pm, then from 5pm to 10 pm. I smoke because it relaxes me, takes the stress away from having 2 jobs. Hell, i smoke with my boss, actually both bosses. And i have 2 damn good jobs, that i get paid good as well. pot is NOT bad

and this week, its only been blunts that i've smoked :D
Ok, here is my opinion on this subject:

1) *Is pot bad for you?* Yes, its bad, any smoke of any kind is not healthy. However, a reasonable pot habbit is not anywhere near as damaging to the lungs as smoking cigs. Why? Because most responsible smokers smoke 1-2 times a day. Also, most people I know will smoke from ages 16-30 and after that will quit. With cig's your stuck for life.

2) *Is pot bad?* No. There is nothing socially disabling about pot. If you have no self control it can lead to problems...but then again so does eating too much. There is no proof that smoking weed has any effect on one's ability to hold down a good job or stay in school. I know plenty of kids ALWAYS high that are smart as hell and are getting good grades in college.

3) *But there's no point!!* Well, if you don't like pot, you havent been doing activities that take advantage of its ENHANSEMENT capabilities. I say enhansement because pot does just that. Getting high is no fun unless theres something TO enhanse. Play music (this is the BEST), listen to music, talk with friends, do something stimulating the mind and you will discover why people smoke.
Originally posted by Seany-izzle@Mar 21 2005, 11:05 PM
dood gettin high and playing goldeneye was sooooo 1999
[post=476829]Quoted post[/post]​

not to mention badass.

There was also another one that was a 1st person shooter...had a chick as the main character. it was just like goldeneye...I forgot the name of it though. It was badass..
Shiat bishes. We rocked goldeneye like Marley on da bluntz.

I like Ivan. "I am invincible."

That's old school. Fight Night 2005 is fun now. Oh, and GT4. :woot:
I play Super Mario Brothers on SNES. I used to play the playstation 2 but SNES is just so much more fun when your high. Back in the day it was driver....we'd play that shit for hours
Originally posted by ktanaka@Mar 22 2005, 11:33 AM
It's all about Soul Calibur II. That is the best high game EVER!
[post=477017]Quoted post[/post]​

Wipeout Fusion for me.

My friends used to get me tore up just to watch me play "The Zone". Basically you are given a prototype craft and race around a track nonstop. There is no accelerator, no brake, the thing just goes at its fastest speed. As you progress, it adds speed multipliers. Starts at 1X, and goes up depending on how long and how well you play. I could get that thing up to 99X and still go.

I (heart) Wipeout.
who ever says that pot smokers are not as smart as people who dont smoke. or say that you wont be able to be succesfull...tell it to my brothers and i...my older brother has a masters from NYU (finance) my other brother just graduated suma kumlade (spll) from lsu and just went to NYU for (finance) and i am trying to start my schooling at UCF... not decided what major(im a late bloomer)...

so i think its the small town that you come from so go ahead and smoke because youll probably never leave anyway!!!!
Originally posted by reckedracing@Mar 22 2005, 10:35 AM
"I tell them I don't need drugs to get high or be cool:
I can do it with alcohol, my anti-drug."
-- The Onion

[post=477019]Quoted post[/post]​

lol, I had a poster with a keg that said my "alcohol is my anti-drug". Poster has since been taken down, since I am not a hippocrite. :)
1/8 usually lasts me a week and no one has died from it or has got Cancer from it so NO I don't think its bad.
the effects to a developing brain can and will be permanent...
if you wait till after your brain is developed then you avoid the permaburnt-ness...