Interesting girl situation...

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Bumping this thread just to let all know this completely blew up in my face.

save this thread.

imho, you just want to get the girl you haven't fucked yet.

i've been in your shoes before. i've gone both routes. it's an immature thing to think that you might regret not fucking her. missing out on one piece of pussy is nothing to even think about.

you might not regret not having a relationship right now, but it sounds to me as if you only want pussy. this isn't a movie. girls don't want the guy they have heard about all the whoring stories from.

if you two get drunk and screw. it's going to get awkward and you will lose a friend. if you dont' care about the friendship, beat it up and move on. but right now you just sound lonely and desparate. it happens to a LOT of people during the holiday season. hold off until march and see if you feel the same way.

how close was i?
She probably read the whole thread then was like "which one am I?"
because this thread sucks so bad, it can only be saved by girls doing jiu jitsu...

^^ Jiu Jitsu? Me no see no Jiu Jitsu. Just a hot chick being open up with a personal muff opener
C'mon man, cough it up... you can't just say something like that and then not spill it.
Never realized I never answered this. Instead of the two of us dating, she's dating one of our good mutual friends. I never see either one of them anymore because he is up her ass. She's miserable in the situation. We've talked about it on different occasions.

Whatever, I'm talking to a new girl now. A friend set us up and we have been having a blast ever since.
Never realized I never answered this. Instead of the two of us dating, she's dating one of our good mutual friends. I never see either one of them anymore because he is up her ass. She's miserable in the situation. We've talked about it on different occasions.

Whatever, I'm talking to a new girl now. A friend set us up and we have been having a blast ever since.

I was the other guy in a situation just like that a few years ago, I got her just to prove the point that i could. He said i never could EVER steal a girl from him and i'm to ugly to try -underlying homosexual undertones anyone?-. Then I left them both stranded with a serious mindfuck
That would be weird seeing as that happened in '07. Then again the guy I did that to thinks humans have yet to pass the speed of sound and that you really do die when you die in your dreams. That and he knows dick about cars. He actually got mad at me when I called him a retard for not only going to single exhaust on a '92 Camaro RS but paying the guy $150 to do it! "It doesn't need it, just because your father was a mechanic doesn't mean you know anything" Yeah, thats why after he did "OVER 9000!!" neutral drops the trans. seized and the engine self-destructed. Owned. Sorry..... I text too much. X.X -dies- -WARNING- what ever the hell I just said may or may not be funny, but its true. It's also 2:46 A.M. so I may be a tad illogical, but I'm damn good at using uncommon words. .......o shit did I just thread jack? Sorry bro.
I was the other guy in a situation just like that a few years ago, I got her just to prove the point that i could. He said i never could EVER steal a girl from him and i'm to ugly to try -underlying homosexual undertones anyone?-. Then I left them both stranded with a serious mindfuck
She's my oldest friend in the world. He's a seriously close friend. I'm not mind fucking anyone. Looking at both their track records, they won't be together much longer anyway.
That would be weird seeing as that happened in '07. Then again the guy I did that to thinks humans have yet to pass the speed of sound and that you really do die when you die in your dreams. That and he knows dick about cars. He actually got mad at me when I called him a retard for not only going to single exhaust on a '92 Camaro RS but paying the guy $150 to do it! "It doesn't need it, just because your father was a mechanic doesn't mean you know anything" Yeah, thats why after he did "OVER 9000!!" neutral drops the trans. seized and the engine self-destructed. Owned. Sorry..... I text too much. X.X -dies- -WARNING- what ever the hell I just said may or may not be funny, but its true. It's also 2:46 A.M. so I may be a tad illogical, but I'm damn good at using uncommon words. .......o shit did I just thread jack? Sorry bro.

dude.. do you just fucking ramble or something.. every post of yours is a bunch of garbage