lcd vs plasma

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ok guys im gona buy a 37 inch or 42 inch lcd or plasma tv it will be used mostly for movies maybe xbox twice a year,. but what would be better for this plasma or lcd, i want something thats gona last. im clueless when it comes to tvs + rep
yea im gona wait a few days im thinking plasma because im afraid the lcd will be blurry but im afraid the plasma will burn up olol
i just watched like a 30 min long debate on it lol, and the bottom line is they said if your in a dark type of room and you watch movies go with the plasma and if you play xbox in a well lite room go with the lcd
LCD FTW. Unless you buy a cheapy LCD, they always tend to look way nicer than plasma. My buddy has a plasma, can't remember brand or specs, widescreen somewhere around 45-50", but it looks good, except the blacks arn't very deep. On my desktop, I have a 21" Samsung LCD. I've had it for 2 and a half years now. Looks bright as hell and continues to look the same as the day I got it. Also have a samsung PDA phone, LCD screen, my dad's pc has a samsung LCD (my old one) which still looks as good as the day I got it. I have never ever ever had an issue with samsung screens. and I build computers for people for a living. talking about television LCDs vs computer LCDs doesnt matter, they are the same (essentially).

IMO - Samsung LCD all day long over anything...
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thats was one of the things they said on the film it said that the lcd had problems with going to dark black,
I would wonder what LCD they reviewed because all of my samsung screens atleast get way darker blacks than my buddy's plasma. his black looks almost like a shade of gray. and tried fine tuning it out for about a half hour...
ell they also did say that the lcd has came along way and is doing a good job of it now, thanks guys + rep to ya...more green bars yea lol
I read some where that the average life of a decent plasma TV is 10 years. I figure by 10 years it would be time for an upgrade anyway. I don't need anything great so an LCD would suit me just fine since they are cheaper than plasmas.

My step dad bought a 42 inch Pioneer Plasma a few months ago and let me just say that ESPN HD, Fox Sports HD, and movies look fucking crisp, clear, and just plain bad ass.
i just watched like a 30 min long debate on it lol, and the bottom line is they said if your in a dark type of room and you watch movies go with the plasma and if you play xbox in a well lite room go with the lcd

I usually watch tv and play xbox in the dark. lol

I've been thinking LCD myself.
plasma advantages:
smoother motion, especially side to side
better side viewing angles (almost 180 both up/down and side to side
best blacks
1080p's are still mostly on hdmi 1.2a which doesn't support the new blueray/hd sound formats

lcd advantages:
usually a little cheaper
uses less power
more available in 1080p with hdmi 1.3

plasma disadvantages:
reflects room light
chace of screen burn if you play a lot of games.... probably a non-issue though. most new plasmas have a pixel shift, to keep the panel from fying itself.
new panels only last about 60,000 hours (8 hours a day for 20 years)
use a lot of electricity
generate a lot of heat

lcd disadvantages:
can be noisy... at low volumes you can hear the panel
blacks end up dark grey. look for 10,000:1 contrast or better to avoid this

the new 120hz lcd's fix the side to side motion problems, but they are expensive.
plasma advantages:
smoother motion, especially side to side
better side viewing angles (almost 180 both up/down and side to side
best blacks
1080p's are still mostly on hdmi 1.2a which doesn't support the new blueray/hd sound formats

lcd advantages:
usually a little cheaper
uses less power
more available in 1080p with hdmi 1.3

plasma disadvantages:
reflects room light
chace of screen burn if you play a lot of games.... probably a non-issue though. most new plasmas have a pixel shift, to keep the panel from fying itself.
new panels only last about 60,000 hours (8 hours a day for 20 years)
use a lot of electricity
generate a lot of heat

lcd disadvantages:
can be noisy... at low volumes you can hear the panel
blacks end up dark grey. look for 10,000:1 contrast or better to avoid this

the new 120hz lcd's fix the side to side motion problems, but they are expensive.
thanks man i was hoping you would chime in + rep
B has it dead on.

And yes, 16k:1 is better in terms of contrast ratio.

Basically, if you watch a lot of fast moving stuff like games or action movies and really about color depth and reference, than I would choose a Plasma. However, if you dont do all taht stuff too often and view most the stuff in a well lit room, and LCD would be better.

OH yeah, and DLP has nothing to do with Plasmas or LCDs except its a different medium for HD. Its used with rear projection tvs.

However, LCD panels are getting better in terms of color pallet and with the advance of LED lights, will consume even less energy.
Just my take on things...

I own a 42 inch plasma. It is a 10000:1 contrast with a native resolution of 1024 x 768. The 1080p capable sets were too expensive last year. It does only have 1 HDMI port, but it does have 3 sets of components. I bought an HDMI 1.3 switch from monoprice... which helps out alot. I use 3 at the moment... and now needing a 4th :(

What i would look for in a TV now a days would be slightly different. My TV would have at least 2 HDMI ports, if not 3. I would also look into 1080p sets just to keep up with the times. I don't see much of a difference in the sets at the moment (picture quality), possibly because there isnt much 1080p content. I know there are BluRays and HDDVDs but it just doesn't excite me enough to buy a 1080p. Once the cable industry picks up on 1080p content, then I ill make the switch. I do have an HDVD player, and i would honestly wait until they decide on the HD war against BluRay. The picture is top-notch but at the end of the day, with red box and HD ondemand.... I dont buy that many DVDs.

I would just suggest alot of research, and dont buy the first 15000:1 tv you find. I guarantee it still may look like crap when you get it home. Stores like bestbuy and circuit city, have their own HD feed.... 50-100 feet away from the sets. Your going to see less of a quality of picture once you bring it home. So research... research... research. Also buy the TV around January 15th. The reason be hind that is Super Bowl sales, and no intrest financing. So read up!