Singulerity, part 2

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Single again. I haven't been updating you people, because I felt that the relationship was becoming too public, too documented to be productive.

You may remember my breakfast thread. In that thread I chronicalled my love of a girl who was trashed on drugs and alcohol. After a few months of off time, we got back together and gave it a serious shot.

And we did. Things were working well. Not too fast, in fact pretty slow. She's asked to be a private thing, so I never came around and let everyone know our business. I'll continue not to.

The purpose of the thread was mostly just a "Get this off my chest to 20,000 of my closest friends on the most popular honda forum in the world" the other purpose of discussion was, is, something of a good topic.

The Generation Gap.

Listen, I'm 32. And I have to tell you "kids" this. You're all fucked up in the head. And life, while it may suck for you now, is going to suck BIG TIME when reality hits. The "Self Esteem Generation", or "GenMe" is full of some hard-core shit. This cult of Self and Now Fulfillment is going to kill you all.

I guess I was, way back in the Breakfast thread days, a "Hook-up" . I thought I knew what a hook-up was. I was mostly wrong, because I thought she saw something in me.

I'm going to tell you this now, and I'm sure most will disagree. There is a part of GenMe culture, the Hook up, that's very destructive and will do the exact opposite of what anyone wants it to . Just like the Self Esteem training has done - made a generation of MISERABLE people.

Never before have I seen a culture of throw-away relationships. Throw-away emotions and complete non-sense. At work today (I'm the oldest person where I work, seriously, I'm the lead tech at an arcade) I had a discussion with our College age girls, who are taking a psyche class about the generation gap.

It blows my fuckin mind. You people in GenMe have NO HOPE of ever becoming a success. You have no hope of fulfillment. The TV, your fucked up relationships and your ideas of gratification are going to put you into a very thick, hard brick wall when you realise that you're not special.

You're not even really liked.

You're fucked. I have more to say on the topic, including a few solutions, but I'm in a horrible mood.

Ahh isnt kind of what I was getting at in my thread? Which by the way Im waiting for you to analyze or what ever you said you were going to do.
98% of women today are pure garbage. It's why i'm single. It's why you're single. And it's why most guys who are in relationships cheat or don't care about their girls at all (see the 'alter ego' thread in NWS)

finding one in the 2% then gets dwindled down even more.

for me,
i don't do single moms. sorry. I want to start my own family someday... not become a family by association.
so, down to 1%.

out of that 1%, half are straight up ugly/non-attractive to me and i would never be happy with it.
down to 0.5%

Based on that math, out of 200 girls, 1 is worth getting to know better.
I can tell you the math isn't accurate enough to base a life choice on.

Just like when we were teenagers. Well, maybe me and Eric, we were still fucked up by lots of things. Those things don't change. As a late teen entering their 20s, we're all faced by the reality that many of the opinions that we formed have been proven to be wrong. It's a confusing time for people regardless of their generational faults.

But this shit in GenMe is fuckin ridiculous. I know that each person can break it, but damn man. There are some major character flaws out there, and it will take either years of pain or perhaps one quick jolt of suffering that will likely drive each of them to jump in front of a train.

As far as your math, I feel your pain. No one our age is single and without kids. It doesn't exist. I'm sure it does, but it's so rare you're better off either thinking it doesn't exist, or - while you're at it - looking for bigfoot.

I'm not even so hung up on the single mother bit. But my requirements for a single parent are higher than my requirements for those without - I don't mind a parent so much, but most parents (Single or otherwise) raise their kids so shittily (I dusted off that word for this sentence) that I lose all respect for them, and want to punch their kids.

I work at an arcade. I see it ALL THE TIME. I actually give parents free shit when they discipline their kids, and a full 20 points if their kid is named mike, john, karen, or something normal - and not Colum, Kinsey, Pheileighe or ... god what was the one I saw with Walter.. Scone or something retarded.

And yes, those are real names, We have birthday parties scheduled for them.
I've found that all girls expect guys to fit their every whim. And Cell btw I'd like to talk to you on MSN or AIM about my girl issues would that be cool?
I've found that all girls expect guys to fit their every whim. And Cell btw I'd like to talk to you on MSN or AIM about my girl issues would that be cool?

Maybe we could all have a pow-wow.

And Steve is this the "goth" girl from the breakfast thread?
It is, And before anyone says anything bad, I am not angry at her, nor do I hate her. I love her, as I love my ex before her.
That'd be quite the age gap... It works better for me though, 18 / 2 = 9 + 7 = 16, 16 is legal in WA.